An un[f]oreseen hookup back in [m]y college town.

A few years ago, a couple friends and I drove back down to our college town for alumni weekend (I’m currently 28, and was probably 22 at the time of this story) We all had great memories of college so any excuse to go back was a welcome one. Plus, some of our younger friends who still attended were going to be throwing a party at their house.

One of my classmates when I was in school was a foreign student named Peter. He was from France, and although we had a few classes together, I wasn’t very good friends with him; he was generally an unpleasant person and never very friendly. Nevertheless I saw him frequently throughout college and always thought of him as kind of a prick. His only redeeming quality was his younger sister, Anna, who came to our university as a freshman from France when Peter and I were seniors.

Anna was your classic blonde girl-next-door type. Super cute, rather shy, and constantly giving off an innocent, studious vibe. Her face was incredibly cute and though she dressed somewhat conservatively, her body was quite fine (think Starlight from The Boys lol). I only ever knew her by name during the one year we overlapped, but would always think about fucking her whenever I passed her on campus.

How a college [f]riend accidentally helped me discover that [M]agnum condoms fit

A couple years ago I went back to my college town to see some friends. I was only a year out of college so a ton of my younger friends were still around, including Allee. Allee was your pretty typical liberal college gal; shorter hair, big glasses, smart and a bit smug about it, but in general a super nice and bubbly person. I doubt she worked out, she wasn’t super attractive… or at least that’s how I remembered her.

So of course, who do I run into at one of the bars downtown but Allee! We had a few classes together and a fair number of mutual friends, so we we’re both happy to catch up and converse. My conversation turned quickly into flirting though, when I realized how much she had really glown up. Her face looked slimmer, her hair looked super healthy… did she get taller? Whatever it was she had been improving about herself in the last year, it had moved her from a soft 6 to a solid 7.5 in my eyes. I had to fuck her, and based on her wry smile, it seemed like she agreed.