I [F] was fully nude and simulated sex on stage for an amdram performance with other university students

I posted about this on another forum and someone suggested I post it here, so here I am. Using a throwaway account because my family knows about my normal reddit account and doesn’t know about my performance. Obviously there are enough details in this post that anyone who saw or heard about the show will know who I am, but that’s ok with me (hi guys!). There are just some things a father shouldn’t know. And no, I’m not going to post pictures for all the world (including my Dad) to see! Sorry.

I’ve always been involved in school drama groups. I caught the bug in high school and when I came to university I quickly fell in with a group of like minded friends. Some of them had started an amdram group that was made up of all students but was not affiliated with the university. The group’s goal was to put on risque, shocking, avante-garde performances – mostly plays. If I’m honest we spent more time hanging out, workshopping, and improving than performing. But every couple of months we’d develop a piece, usually written by one of the members and then perform it a few times at a local pub. There is a pub in town that has a stage for bands to play and they try to support the arts and are cool to let us use the stage for our performances if they didn’t have a band booked.