The Man, and The Bottom – Chapter 1.

Hopefully this is a good story! Just an idea at this point, I hope to flesh it out in the coming days and add more chapters to the relationship!

The Bottom enters the sterile room, no other words can really describe it. From the white walls and tiles, to the lack of furniture – like a hospital room, yet quieter and less furnished- The Bottom stands patiently by the door, gazing at The Man seated on his leather throne.

The Man gazes at the fresh offering, and for a moment remains silent – simply taking the sight of The Bottom in. After what feels to The Bottom like an eternity, his mouth curls up into a slight smile and he finally speaks: "You will walk to the back of the room, slide your underwear down your legs, and then bend over the sofa. You will not speak, and you will not look at me any further."

The Bottom considers the instructions for a moment, before moving to the back of the room. Without another word, The Bottom begins to reach under its shirt.. The Man quickly speaks again, in a soft whisper that can only be heard due to the utter silence of the room: "What did I say?"