[MMF] Me, my wife and the best birthday present of all time Round 2

Please read the first part to this story for the full effect. [https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mn5nr3/mff_me_my_wife_and_the_best_birthday_present_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mn5nr3/mff_me_my_wife_and_the_best_birthday_present_of/)

Claudia, Beth and I lay back on the couch. The two women both have cum around their mouths and I could smell both of their pussy juices rising from my soaked beard. Beth has never been one to stop after one orgasm, especially on a special occasion like this with Claudia their. She stands up and takes Claudia’s hand and leads her to our bedroom. I follow, enjoying the view of their perky bottoms leading the way. My cock already starting to regain some blood flow.

We enter our bedroom and Beth pushes Claudia onto the bed. She starts to eat her pussy and I crouch down behind Beth and start eating her from behind. I lick her slit and down to her clit and back up, forcing my tongue inside her. I run my tongue up to her asshole and back down, I poke my tongue into her asshole and back down to her clit again. I swirl around her clit and feel her pussy get even more juicy. “I’m getting close again” Beth says. “Cum on me again” says Claudia.

[MFF] Me, my wife and the best birthday present of all time

Thanks for all the love for my previous stories. I thought I should share another group sex experience I had with my wife (Beth) and her friend (Claudia). As previously mentioned, we had sex with another couple a year into our marriage which we both enjoyed and so we were on the look out for more people to share in our fun. My wife and I have always both been pretty sexually adventurous people and have both had same sex experiences so we were looking for anyone who would be fun for both of us. Enter my wife’s high school friend Claudia who came to town for work.

My wife Beth is from a small town where the kids know all their class mates from elementary school right through high school but she said she had barely said two words to Claudia until grade 10 when they suddenly became inseparable. Beth left for college right after graduating and hadn’t seen Claudia since so until she saw a Facebook status that she was coming to our town had never even mentioned her to me. They reconnected and she invited her over for a BBQ at our house.

The multiple health code violations [MF]

I worked in a awful chain restaurant as a bartender back in college that shall remain nameless but you’ve probably been to one. I was one of the few front of house staff that was male and that meant there was a lot of distractions at work, however I always did my best to be professional and respectful with the others whilst still having a laugh and working as a team.

There was one person who caught my eye though every time she was working, my eyes felt drawn to her like magnets, she was a year younger than me, 19 and just the cutest person I’ve ever seen. She was short, maybe 5ft 1, big brown eyes, a button nose, a slight tan, long brown hair that went past her shoulders, a C cup chest, and a bum that suggested she enjoyed yoga or lived up the worlds tallest staircase.

To reiterate from earlier posts, I am 6 foot, broad chested, hairy, brown hair.

She always smiled at me whenever she saw me but I could never tell if that was her simply being friendly or something more. we would chat about college, she was studying environmental studies and about our shared interests in film and tennis. She never mentioned a boyfriend or a lack of one.

[Group] Tennis doubles with my wife’s coworker and her husband

I’m Peter and my wife is Beth. Beth is petite, blonde and has perky B cup breasts, I am 6 foot, broad chested, brown hair and bearded. We are in our early 30’s and happily married, this story occurred last year. We were invited for a game of tennis at Beth’s co workers house. Her co-worker Jennifer is really bubbly, She’s about 5ft 5, curvy, I’d guess a E cup with an ass to match. Her hazel eyes match her brown hair. Her husband is the head of a construction company so they own a beautiful house out of town.

Jennifer invited us to play Tennis after hearing Beth complain about how full the public courts always are in our town. We arrived at their place and I was astonished by how beautiful their place was. I knew from what Beth had said they were well to do but this place was amazing. A pool, four car garage, home theatre, Jacuzzi tub, it was like being in an episode of cribs.

[MMF] She wanted us both, but only if we wanted each other

My name is Peter and I had known Hannah for awhile, I’d seen her perform in several plays my friends were in and had admired her acting and her figure equally. She was brilliant on stage, she could arouse every single emotion in me during the same performance. She stood 5ft 3 but had the presence of a much taller person. Her figure was a curvy one, D cup breasts and I’d guess her bum at it’s widest was above 40 inches. Her waist though was tiny to match her cute feet. Her eyes a bright blue and her hair a light brown. Her smile radiated light like a fallen angel.

I’d see her after shows and praise her performances gushing and flattering her. She modestly accepted my praise and was always happy to chat. I was desperate to find a reason to spend more time with her so I convinced my friend Alex to produce a play together so I’d have an excuse to cast her and spend more time with her. Alex is a great actor and promoter so was happy to collaborate. I wrote a period drama about world war 2 vets returning to America and we set about co-directing it.