This happened almost a year ago. A little background first… I decided that being in my early 30s, it was time to buckle down and get in a serious relationship. It gets a little complicated in middle eastern families because “cultural fit” is kind of important. Which is probably why I’m single. I don’t culturally fit in my own culture. Not religious etc.
Anyway, at the time, I decided to join a dating website for Muslim people. I figured maybe I could find someone like me. Same culture, plays the part w/ the fam, but not religious and liberal. I connected with a girl who I instantly thought was the wrong match. She was 21yo college student (too young for anything serious), about 5’2, 115lbs, middle eastern and wore a hijab (headscarf). Now normally, the hijab is a dealbreaker for me because it usually means the girl is religious as fuck. Not the case here. We got pretty flirty over our messages and then exchanged KIK info.