[MF] How I Continued Fucking My Sister-in-Law

So I [first confessed](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/h0cbfa/mf_how_i_started_fucking_my_sisterinlaw/) about how, a couple years into my first marriage, I ended up fucking my sister-in-law, who came across to everyone as a spoiled, snotty bitch. Or, to be fair, I should say that she often acted that way, but not always. But she also turned out to be insatiable. I knew that fucking her was a bad idea, but after a couple months of taut sexual tension, she more or less offered herself to me to fuck, and so fuck her I did. As has happened so often through the years, I couldn’t resist. I could never resist fucking other women. And as I wrote in my first post, I ended up fucking my sister-in-law Alice for 10 years.

When I described in the first part about how I made a drunken pass at her which turned out to spark this whole thing, and in the sober light of the next day I was freaking out about what I’d done… well, that had nothing on the angst that ensued after that very first hard fuck on the hallway floor. We’d fucked like a ravenous pair, I’d filled her with cum, and less that a couple hours later, she’s flying off on a two-week vacation with her husband.

[MF] How I Started Fucking My Sister-in-Law

I’m a 55-year-old MWM, and I’ve been extremely lucky to have had plenty of erotic encounters and continue to have them to this day. I’m not trying to sound boastful; I just know and appreciate that I’ve been very lucky, and happy that woman of all ages still seem to be attracted to me. And, sadly, I’ve always been pretty much of a hound.

I haven’t enjoyed cheating on significant others over the years, but in the end, I can’t help myself; if a good-looking woman is ready and willing, I can’t say no, unless the risk is plainly too great. I have exercised some judgment over the years, just not a lot of fidelity.

It’s not emotional, though. I guess I have what I’ve heard other people call a high sex drive, or an over-active libido, or maybe it’s an addiction: but I just love to fuck different women. Been married twice, still am, but there has always been a woman, or women, available to fuck on the side. Some are married, some not, some my age, some younger, a couple a lot younger.