A Transformational Experience [mf][tg]

Something happened to me. I’m completely different from who I used to be. It all started when I had sex with her. We were fooling around and I decided to penetrate her vagina. Big mistake. After a few strokes, I felt the vulva tighten hard around my shaft. I started to freak out and try to pull out, but to no avail. She didn’t even notice as she appeared to be having the orgasm of her life.

I tried to use my fingers to pry my dick out. I felt down there and… couldn’t find the crease. I look down and to my horror, my shaft’s skin was fusing with the skin of the vagina. I tried to tell her what was happening. I then felt a very weird tingling feeling all over my body. Strangely pleasurable.

She was still moaning, but I noticed she was getting a little bit bigger. Her arms were getting bigger. Her… boobs were starting to flatten. Her voice was getting a little deep.

“What’s going on?” I noticed my voice was higher pitched. I looked down to see my body hair falling off. My chest was starting to grow boobs. My hips were widening. My shoulders were becoming less broad. Was I turning into a girl?