[M]y [f]irst encounter with bondage part 2

[M]y [f]irst encounter with bondage part 2

I was taken aback by the brazen nature displayed by Sarah, having not had anything to do with a girl tied up before.

“Are you ok with this?” She asked. “Sure” I lied. “What are your ground rules?” I asked, playing for time. “No scat, no physical pain, condoms with annal, but otherwise just fucking use me as you please…. I like to be spanked…”

And with that, she flipped herself over on to her knees and raised her ass. Without thinking I spanked her. A sharp gasp of air, she enjoyed that. Again, harder. Over and over i spanked her ass until it glowed a crimson red.

Flipping her over, and on to her back. I sat between her legs, stroking her legs. But not touching her pussy. “Anywhere else you like to be spanked?” I ask. “Try it and see” I sparked her clit gently, a snap shot. Her whole body tightened but she stopped herself closing her legs. “Yes yes yes” panted back at me. Again. A sharp shot. Same reaction. Again, and again I lay shots on her clit, my hand becoming wet with her juices. I admire the juices on my hand. “This will need cleaning”.

[M]y [f]irst encounter with bondage

So this is another story from Uni. It was my second year and I’d been back just a few weeks after an uneventful summer. As a member of the rugby team, it was my job to assist with the initiation for the freshers. The rugby club initiation took place the same way every year, and was paired with the hockey team this year. There were a lot of mates between the two clubs and so we’d decided to get initiate all of the new members for the male, and female teams at once.

On the night before the initiation, you have to find out where to meet the following morning. You need the location and time. You get this by sucking up to the senior club members. Anything goes. The location and time will be disclosed to you when you’ve pleased a member enough, they will tell you. At that point, you must leave, telling no one.

The unexpected evening affair with a work colleague [mf]

So I’ve worked in the same place for 12 years. Over the time there are a number of people that have come and gone that I have interacted with and become friends with. Throughout the whole time, I’ve remained friends with Rebecca. There’s never been anything sexual, indeed she went out of her way to ensure that I knew we were just mates. It kinda sucked at first, but we fell in to a friendship that suited us both. We’ve gone out for dinner, to the cinema and other such things as mates and we confided some things in each other, but always knew there were boundaries. Rebecca is a good looking girl. Average height, great breasts and a curvy ass. Brunette with a pretty smile, just a little shorter than average.

5-6 years back I met my now wife. Things with Rebecca cooled. She didn’t want to get in the way, and I have to admit I too backed off as it’s hard to be friends with a woman when your wife also wants your time. Throughout the whole time I’ve known Rebecca, she has never had a fella. Bizarre to me, as I know I wanted her and I have seen others in the office checking her out. It’s not just guys. She’s never seemingly had a relationship.

Wingman [F]ails, but it worked out well for [M]e!

So the end of Uni rolls around and I take a trip to Thailand, as everyone seemed to do at the time. I was supposed to go with a friend, but he bailed last minute for personal reasons so I booked myself on to a group tour, save just bumbling around on my own. The tour takes in all the highlights in a fortnight and it turns out was pretty much just for Uni students and grads, everyone being the same age bracket.

On my trip there’s 8 of us, I’m ‘paired’ with Mark and to share hotel rooms and there’s a health 4-4 male to female ratio. Two of the girls, Haley and Emma are old friends, As are Jo and Simeira, The other two guys, Jake and Liam are good laugh and again knew each other from home. We all got on great, the drinks flowed each night and we all chose to travel together as a group in days off from the trip, sight seeing etc. Mark hits it off with Haley early doors and they’re like rampant rabbits the whole trip.

[F]inally got the girl id chased all year

In my final year of Uni, I lived with a girl we’ll call Laura. Laura was on my course and we had been close since we started. We’d never even kissed, but I’d wanted her since midway through the year before.

Laura was hot. 5’4, 45kg, beautiful brunette with piercing blue eyes. Her breasts sat high on her chest and her love of sports gave her that athletic look that some just crave. Unfortunately, Laura had a boyfriend back home and she’d never seemingly looked at another guy.

One random Tuesday night we were home alone, we had been all day and had been studying hard towards our final exams. We were great friends as well as course mates and often joked with each other to lighten the stress of the course. This evening, I’d found my shower gel replaced with fairy liquid (bubbles everywhere!), I’d scared the shit out of her by jumping out from behind a door and she’d got her own back by pouring me a beer laced with the hottest chilli vodka you’d ever taste. The were pranks, but the kinda pranks mates have. We’d sit with our room doors open and often go over work problems together, so it was a fun night of pranks and work.

Remembering the fun of [M]y first University year

Recently found this sub, thoroughly enjoying it and find myself wanting to share some of my Uni fun, but without the wife knowing. So here we go…..

At 18 I left home for the first time and headed off to Uni. I’d had a couple of girl friends but nothing serious. I was 6’2” and relatively fit, spending most Sunday’s on the rugby pitch.

During freshers week I met a girl we’ll call Kate. We met on a night out, got chatting and after a few drinks and a dance, we headed back to hers. The sex was good, she had no inhibitions and new how to move her body. We spent much of the next few days in and out of each other’s beds between lectures and nights out.

It turned out she had broken up with her long term boyfriend to come to uni, and after a week of very regular sex, she confided she wasn’t wanting a relationship just now, reminding herself that she had broken up with her ex because she wanted to be free to enjoy Uni. We settled on an open relationship, to be reassessed after the first term. We were free to fuck whoever we wanted, but vowed to make time for each other 2-3 times a week. If it ended, then so be it. We’d always be there for a good session if the other one wanted it.