The time I found a glowstick in my bra [MF]

(*I’ve been a long time lurker of this sub and I know this story will be super tame compared to what else is shared. I was a late bloomer and actually didn’t lose my virginity until grad school about a year later after this story takes place. So just as a heads up, there’s no sex. But I was still open to other things :;))

I don’t think anyone is ever a grown up. We’re just faking it until we make it. And that’s what my experience in grad school was like. We tried to present ourselves as mature people seeking a higher education. But at our core we were just really high schoolers allowed to legally buy alcohol. This event happened over 10 years ago during my first year at grad school.

My friend Katie and her roommates threw a highlighter party at their house. For the young people out there, everyone would wear white t-shirts and throughout the night partygoers would write or draw on each other with different colored highlighters. Add in blacklights, glowsticks, etc. and you get our best impression of what a rave is like. As with all grad school parties, there were copious amounts of alcohol involved.