4th of July party wow!

This is my alt to my deadbedrooms account. Before I (25F) get into what happened tonight it's worth mentioning my LTR boyfriend (27M) of a little over 3 years and I haven't had sex since May or June… of 2014. Until tonight I thought I was LL, but after what happened I've had my eyes opened.

We went to a party tonight out of state at a friend's place and are staying the night and is mostly d friends and friends of friends. My bf and I had a good enough time, but he was tired from all the driving we did today, so he didn't last long once the tequila and jello shots started. It was around my 4th shot we'll say Jay and I noticed each other. He's older, 38 to be exact, and shorter than me, but something about him just worked for me. From the moment we locked eyes I was turned on. He's pretty well muscled and I think the drinks may have had an effect, but all combined we were just fixated on each other throughout the night.