Little known fact about your typical post in this subreddit. For every story of success and happy endings, there are numerous tales of moments that got ruined, took a turn for the worse or ended fits of laughter. Chelsea and I have libraries worth of more hot stories but an equal amount of moments where we can laugh at our misfortunes. This is our collection of short stories and moments that failed to meet the “That’s Hot!” quota. Hope you get a few laughs and facepalms at our expense.
I love my awkward wife more than anything, but she has this uncanny ability to say and do the wrong thing at the worst possible moment. One particularly inconvenient moment happened early on in our relationship. She was going down on me in one of our recovery phases but she was still horny. I was flaccid and sprawled out half on and half off the bed with Chelsea on her knees between my legs. My eyes were closed and mentally zoned out, just enjoying the moment and reliving the previous 20 minutes. Chelsea is doing her thing and I suddenly feel her stop. Her lips were squeezing my soft shaft flat so that it was pressed out wide in her mouth. It was a weird sensation, neither hurting or feeling all that good. I open my eyes and look down to see her staring back at me. Perfectly still, she manages to grin with my limp cock still pressed flat in her lips. She releases it with a pop, “Look, I’m Rufus!” referring to my dog while the cock in her mouth was attempting to mimic his tongue. She beamed a smile then giggled, soon returning to what she was doing.