[M]y only time being [F]orced

When I played community college football I felt like I was on top of the world. I had been honorable mention all conference and played well in our postseason bowl game. I had my first serious post high school girlfriend, I was getting offers to play D1 football. Life was good.

I met Amber online, where else right, and it turned out we had gone to rival high schools. We actually beat them my senior year. She had been athlete too, she swam and was a distance runner. She went to our local university while I was at community college. Well I didn’t know her that well and being away from her parents she slowly became a barely functioning alcoholic. Like waking up and downing shots of vodka for breakfast. She was probably one of the most insecure women I ever spent time with. In addition she could be a very mean drunk too. We had a very nasty breakup, and it was one of the few times I ever got onto a fistfight with somebody, not her.

[M]y [F]ollow up to my adult film story and the aftermath with “Candi”

So here’s the tl;dr version.

In college I worked as a strip club bouncer, got acquainted with most of the dancers, ended up performing in an adult film due to associating with one of the girls. Here’s the rest of that story.

I drove Candi back to her hotel, this was a few weeks after my performance, she also shot that same day with another guy.

Candi was from out of town. The majority of the dancers were, they’d come for a week or so, maybe longer, but they hit the circuit and danced at a few different places. Some, like Candi, also escorted on the side. She would try to coincide her trips here to dance with her escorting, but sometimes if her regular clients paid her extra, she came just for them. Also let’s just clear this up, when I say escorting she was fucking these guys. It just sounds nicer than calling her something else. I used to drive her on some of these, so I was well aware of what was going on.

[M]y [f]irst and only appearance in an adult film

Even though I was temporarily done with football, I was still in impressive physical shape through college. Just don’t ask me to run a mile 😂 I had been working part time as a bouncer at a pretty wild strip club near campus. Most of the guys who went there were either drunk frat guys or rich businessmen who were here for work. So it was pretty rare somebody got out of line. Most of the girls who danced weren’t students, mostly for fear of being recognized. So a lot of the dancers were girls who would come here from other states for a few weeks and go home. I got to know a few of them pretty well, which led to some side work as they also did escorting and had established clients they’d fly out here to see from wherever they were. Apparently I looked menacing enough to drive and provide security.

[M]y year long a[F]fair with somebody who was married

After I got injured playing college football I had been determined to try again. After college I played in a semi pro league for a few years before another serious injury took me out for good. I was in a slump for a few years. Without football in my life, I was lost. When my high school won a state championship I didn’t even attend the alumni celebration. What happened finally was one of my old teammates called me up to see if I wanted to work out, long story made short, I discovered CrossFit and fell for it that same day.

Fast forward a few years, I’m not just at the top of my game but now teaching CrossFit and doing personal training, which if you’d seen me 2 years before you’d have laughed at. My friend said he wanted me to come with him as he was going to compete. So I figured why not and drove with him.

After we checked in, I had to check in at a different table since I was a “coach” not a competitor. As I turned around to leave I bumped into somebody….

[M]y [F]orbidden fling in college

I had been a late bloomer as far as sex and with other things too. I didn’t even play on my varsity football team until I was a senior in high school. By then I was “man sized”. So that was why I ended up playing at a junior college before I couldn’t play anymore. Fortunately I had good enough grades and got an academic scholarship to a major university.

The university I attended has a lot of foreign students from all over the world. In one of my classes a girl caught my eye, but almost all semester she ignored me like I wasn’t alive. I had found out she was from a very conservative country that frowned upon guys like me, seeing us as inferior. But I had a plan. We got assigned at “random” to an assignment and wouldn’t you know, we were in the same group. After 2 weeks she finally agreed to meet up for coffee. Honestly I didn’t expect much but wanted to see how far this could go.

Fucked [M]y ex [F]rom high school years later while her BF/Ex BF was at work

I had met Kate in our senior year of high school (both of us were 18) and we had hit it off. By that I mean she was jerking me off on our first date when we went to see a movie. Not long after I ended up being her first, which went on for a while until we broke up. Periodically we would find each other and hook up though. She had joined the military and the night before she left, we had another fling.

Well after she got kicked out of the military, no surprise there, she got knocked up and married some guy. I’d lost touch with her by then. But like always she resurfaced and came to hang out at a popular bar with me, while I was still drinking a lot. She admitted to me her dad had never liked or approved of me, he wasn’t a fan of interracial couples I guess. She had just gotten divorced or separated, hard to tell with her sometimes. One night at the bar we snuck off and she gave me a nice BJ in the bathroom. Truthfully I would have fucked her but due to the circumstances we couldn’t. She had brought some guy with her and one of her friends too, so she had to hurry back to them. Found out later that guy was some guy she’d been seeing. Shocker.

[M]y [FF]irst fourso[M]e

I always found it easier to date online. Mostly because of the ethnicity issue. But I was always busy so it made sense. I met a girl who lived in a small college town about an hour away, we’ll call her “Carrie”. Carrie was only 2 years younger but was one of those girls your mom warns you about. She wasn’t exactly the town bicycle, but she had her way with men. At the time she was debating if she should continue going to a community college or become a stripper. After a week or so of talking, flirting, etc. Carrie wanted me to come see her. I wasn’t sure what to make of her, just a fling, long term, what could she be? So I enlisted my friend who we’ll call “Karen” to come with me. If Carrie turned out to be a dud or a problem, at least I had a friend with me to hang out with.

[M]y new Year’s Hookup with a [F]riend of a friend

This was way back in the “gone wild” days, which lasted a while. I was between relationships and had been talking to a girl who we’ll just call “Hayley”. Well New Years comes, and she admitted that she had never been with anyone like me, which in code meant she’d never been with a guy of my ethnicity before. She explained that her and a few of her friends were getting a hotel room for New Years to party in and that I should come by. I think we’re past the subtle part of this.

On the night of their party, I stopped at another friend of mine’s house in the same area. They were having a party and I stopped in for a while before moving on to the hotel party. I got there and was honestly pretty underwhelmed. Hayley was so drunk she couldn’t stand up under her own power, and of her 2 other friends there, only one of them could put together coherent words. I’m kind of caught between being an asshole and leaving, or at least trying to salvage the night and hang around for a while. Definitely not going to try anything with her in her sloppy drunk state. Her friend who could talk, let’s call her “Laura”, was apologizing to me about it. We made some small talk and I figured I could at least have a beer and ride out the New Year countdown and go back to my friend’s house.

[M]y fling with a [F]requent visitor to my office

This was years ago but still fun. Before I moved on to my current career, I was a cubicle jockey working an administrative job for our local government. Due to the nature of what we did, we had a lot of people in and out, and a fair number of contract employees who had to make the rounds to various offices for their company.

One of these employees was named “Brenda”. She wasn’t too conventionally attractive, but she was always subtly flirty with me, and finally she made her interest clear. We exchanged numbers and she asked if we could meet up for a drink that night.

She arrived at my house and I think bee both felt the tension between us. I’d done some social media digging and had found a few semi revealing pictures of her, and that she had gotten divorced, so I figured that I’d shoot my shot and either it would work or it’d be a massacre for me. Upon her arriving I gave her a very sensual kiss, which she returned and said that she had been waiting for that from me for a while.

Spontaneous sharing of [M]y then [F]wb with ]M]y neighbor

My first post here. To give some background, this happened years ago. I had just gotten out of a very toxic relationship and was “going wild” so to speak. I was also working as a part time bouncer at a strip club and occasionally as a driver for an escort agency.

I met “Mary” at a New Year’s party, shortly before my relationship ended. She was about the same age (early 20s) and was fairly inexperienced only having had sex for the first time a few months prior. She had a boyfriend but hadn’t sealed the deal with him and broke up with him to fuck me a few weeks after I met her. She wasn’t what you’d call hot, but she was attractive, long wavy blonde hair, a nice figure and some small curves. She was also very enthusiastic about pleasuring me too.

My neighbors at the time were a group of guys who had moved here from out of state and had been high school friends. I lived in a college town then, so it wasn’t unusual to have new neighbors every year. They had frequent parties, and were fun to hang out with. Their 4th roommate was a local guy named Deon. He was older than all of us, and seemed kind of awkward around trying to pick girls up. He was kind of a skeezy guy but nobody really disliked him.