[F] 26 Husband makes sex with a condom suck even more

The husband and I had a baby about 7 months ago. I’m only just now starting to feel like myself again in most ways but one. I still struggle to get wet because I’m breastfeeding. The hormones it takes to keep your milk supply going can stop you from getting wet so now we have to use lube, and a lot of it, which I hate. I use to get ridiculously wet, all he needed to do was breath on me and I was ready to go, but now it doesn’t matter what preparations are done, I just don’t get wet. And if we skip it or don’t use enough it hurts. And we have started using condoms again.

Now this sucks big time, we just spent almost two years having unprotected sex. We were trying for a baby for a long time and the whole time I was pregnant I was insanely horny and basically became his cum dump! It was so primal and intimate. Even though the job was done it still felt like something was accomplished everytime he finished inside. But now, sex sucks. But not because of the condoms themselves but because of the way he makes me feel for having him use one.

[F] 26 My husband’s porn addiction has ruined how I view Intimacy.

This is my throw away account because we share a reddit page. I’ll spare all the details involving why I know he has such a problem with porn because we would be here for hours trying to read it all. But long story short my husband’s porn addiction has ruined our sex life, but he has no knowledge of that. He doesn’t know thats why ive change and become distant.  I have tried everything to let go of the past. He promises change but never does, he always falls back into the same temptations. Now, I’m no prude and I know everyone watches porn, myself included. But his need to watch it far outweighs anybody else’s need for it. And let me be clear, he is never deprived of sex. I give it to him anytime, anywhere and at the best of my abilities (within reason). But he still watches porn every single day.

[F] 26 When does porn become a problem?

I made a throw away account because I need some advice. I will spare some of the details but me and my husband share a reddit account and I don’t want to post it on there for him to see. Our relationship has been a bit patchy to say the least, but I found a few things out last year that upset me but I’m working through them. Or trying to anyway. I made the shared reddit account because I discovered he had an account he would hide from me. He would get nudes from people send nudes ect. and watch porn among other things. He would speak with anyone and everyone, men too.

He had other sites he would visit and his profile said he was bisexual so I brought that up with him and he just told me he got more attention that way, but I wasnt so sure. Him talking to other people broke my trust. After a few arguments he said he will stop and deleted it, cool. But after looking through his phone any chance he wasn’t looking I found a new account made just two week after he deleted the old one. So trying to be understanding and reasonable first before irrational, I said we should make an account together, talk to people, post photos together. I did it because I wanted to be like the girls we was talking to. And we did, it was great, I posted photos but I loved it for all the wrong reasons.