[FM] Finally Getting Fucked at 24

Two days ago I finally had sex. For background, I am a 24F Indian American living on the East coast, and lets just say Ive thought about sex pretty much daily since I was 13. I have severe body image issues. I am obese (5’7 250lbs) and pretty much have no confidence when it comes to myself. The first time I even kissed a guy was the guy I fucked two days ago!

Anyways, there have always been guys Ive had crushes on, and they all showed absolutely zero interest. To be fair I never revealed any feelings because, lets be honest I hate my body! So the past few months during you-know-what I realized Ive had enough. I want to be touched. Caressed. Desired. I really just wanted someone to fuck my brains out instead of my vibrator for once. Tinder and all the apps are usually useless for me, because while I am butt ugly, my type is a tall handsome well dressed Ivy league WASP (yes Im totally and completely shallow, and unrealistic). But I did my usual swiping and matched with a guy we’ll call Matt who was cute enough, had abs, and was in med school at an Ivy. My opening line for the past month has always been the same: