Is there a name for a community/fantasy world that’s similar to free use, except it’s just a society/world-building that’s still hyper-sexual, but each gender still requires consent?

Is there a name for a community/fantasy world that’s similar to free use, except it’s just a society/world-building that’s still hyper-sexual, but each gender still requires consent?

My issue with free-use is that it’s inherently misogyny based, but I’d still love to read some world-building (fanfic type thing, or a subreddit) of a world where it’s not just one gender that’s used as sexdolls, but rather both parties require consent still. Essentially a civilized society much like ours, but via some form of regulations, privileges such as sex in public, masturbation, is widely encouraged and popularized, etc.

I guess, by it’s very definition, this wouldn’t be free-use at all, but still, I hope you understand what I mean.

[WP] A person (man or woman) moves to an island/continent where sexual pleasure is one of the societies core morals:

Specifically I’m looking for some great world building in a nation that is essentially similar to Free-use, minus the misogyny, and consent is always needed before hand. What is entertainment like? Taking a stroll through a park? Common conversation topics? Etc.

Extended idea:

I would love a character that is for some reason scared to death of pleasuring him/herself, but eventually gives in due to the world and peer pressure. So say they move to this place, but they’re so unaccustomed to the culture (even though they secretly love it) that they just feel so awkward and can’t get personally comfortable. However, after unrelenting social pressure she finally gives in blissfully.

Categorized as Erotica