[MF] She (F21) came over late at night, made me (M24) cum twice, then went back home.

Read about my first date with Maya, a beautiful young black college student, on my profile.

(TLDR at the end)

(Skip to ————————— for sexy time)

At the time of this story I was talking to a few different girls casually, but not exclusive with any of them. I met one of the girls out late somewhere to eat together, then we were going to hang at my place. We ate and had a drink and were heading out when I asked if she wanted to come over. She said she didn’t feel like coming over, and that she was just going to head home. I was starting to get the feeling she wasn’t as into me as I may have been into her, but we hugged and went out separate ways.

When I got home I felt like I was missing out on something I was expecting that night; not necessarily upset that I wasn’t sleeping with that girl, but that I was now home alone and still very much awake. I picked up my phone and started scrolling through my recent messages, seeing who might want to do something that night, when I landed on Maya.

[MF] I (M24) drove across the state to fuck a Miss America girl (F22) [Part 3]

(Skip to ————————— for sexy time)

After she cleaned up in the bathroom she got back in bed next to me. I was still coming down from an incredible high. I had fulfilled the ultimate fantasy I had when I started the long drive to her place that morning. My heart rate was starting to go down now, and I was getting tired after a long and busy day. I spooned her from behind and we fell asleep.

I woke up early the next morning, and the room was bright with light streaming around the curtains. I looked over and saw her still asleep, so I tried to be quiet when I got up and walked to the bathroom. When I finished and emerged back into the bedroom she was sitting up, looking at me with a sleepy smile. I climbed back in bed and put my arm around her, and we cuddled up again in our warm spots under the covers.

She had worn shorts to bed, so as I held her from behind I could feel her bare legs against my thighs. With my free hand I began rubbing her legs and the bottom of her ass, lightly scratching as I did. Over time I rubbed higher and higher until I was palming her small ass cheek and rubbing around to the front of her waist.

[MF] I (M24) drove across the state to fuck a Miss America girl (F22) [Part 2]

(Skip to ————————— for sexy time)

After we were finished I got up to take off my condom and we got cleaned up. While we were getting dressed I asked if she was hungry, and she said yes. We agreed on Mexican food, and she knew a place where we could go. We hopped in her car and drove to dinner together.

We got to know each other better as we ate. She told me about her history of competing in pageants and all that it took to be Miss [State]. Apparently there are a couple different pageant circuits, and she was a contestant for Miss America or Miss USA in one of them. I joked that I wanted to see her wear her sashes when we got back and she laughed it off, saying she’d show them to me.

On the drive back from dinner she told me about her roommates. One was a friend of hers that was letting her live there, and the other was a girl they knew. Apparently the second roommate was known as the slut on campus, and always had guys coming (not gonna make the easy joke) and going from her room. I think this lead to her mentioning something about birth control, which prompted me to ask if she was on any. She told me she was on the pill, which set off alarms in my brain. I couldn’t wait to get back to her place.

[MF] I (M24) drove across the state to fuck a Miss America girl (F22)

(Skip to ————————— for sexy time)

When I was single I stayed pretty active on Tinder, lining up as many dates as I could in a week. Sometimes it would just be for coffee or drinks, other times it would be at her place or mine.

This story is about the farthest I’ve ever travelled to meet someone. When I matched with this girl, I thought she was either one of those bots with fake pictures or someone that wouldn’t respond to my messages. She popped up in my city when I swiped on her, but her profile said she went to college all the way on the other side of the state.

I sent her a message after we matched, and she surprisingly responded. We chatted for a couple weeks, off and on, and got to know each other a bit. From her pictures I could tell she was a cute sorority girl, with a thin frame and strawberry blonde hair. She also had a picture of her wearing a dress and a sash that said “Miss [state],” which definitely caught my eye (like what a flex haha). She later told me that she also competed in some Miss America pageants during her college years.

[MF] She fucked on the first date with me

(Skip to ————————— for sexy time)

When I was single I stayed pretty active on Tinder, lining up as many dates as I could in a week. Sometimes it would just be for coffee or drinks, other times it would be at her place or mine.

This story is about a girl I matched with and met for a first date at a coffee shop, let’s call her Maya. There were just a couple of blurry or filtered photos on Maya’s profile, but from what I could tell she was a beautiful young black woman that attended the local university. I hoped that when we met in person she would look as I had imagined her.

I left my place and started the short walk to the coffee shop (I lived just a couple of blocks away). As I got closer I saw a tall girl wearing heels and a leather jacket with jeans. She had long straight black hair and brown eyes, and as I crossed the street we made eye contact and exchanged smiles. She said “Hey, I’m Maya” and I introduced myself as well. We went inside together and got our coffees, then decided to take them with us on a walk around the city. I thought this would be a good way to avoid the awkward first date silences by going somewhere together (thinking back now she had to hate walking in those heels, but she was a good sport about it).

[MF] She went from not knowing what I looked like to begging for my cum – in one night

(Skip to ————————— for sexy time)

When I was single I stayed pretty active on Tinder, lining up as many dates as I could in a week. Sometimes it would just be for coffee or drinks, other times it would be at her place or mine.

Anyway, I matched with this girl and we texted for a week or two in the app and exchanged numbers, but no pictures were shared. After texting for a while on a weekend I asked what she was up to and if she wanted to hang out. She said she had some friends over watching tv, but they were probably leaving soon.

Here is where I got bold. I offered to come over after her friends left and we could watch something together and get to meet each other in person. She seemed reluctant, given that we hadn’t sent anything outside of the app and for all she knew I could be a totally different person. As I was wondering if I’d made a mistake by suggesting coming over, my phone suddenly started ringing. It’s a facetime call.