When looking past the red flags goes right [M][F] (Part 1)

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I matched with this girl (we’ll call her Kayla) on tinder one evening and we immediately started chatting. From the pictures on her profile I could see she was a curvy redhead with huge tits and a few tattoos. I was home alone and looking for something to do, and when I messaged her it seemed like she was in the same situation. We quickly cut to the chase and made plans to meet for drinks a couple hours later that night.

We met at our agreed spot that night and greeted each other in the parking lot. She had on a white blouse that wasn’t doing a great job of concealing her tits, and jeans that complimented her round ass and legs. She smelled like cigarettes (which I didn’t love), but I was willing to look past that for the quick hookup we were both there for.

Kayla said she knew the bartender at this place, but when we went inside it was super busy and her friend wasn’t working. We decided to drive together to another bar, so we got in her car and headed that way. The second place we decided on was close to where I lived, so we parked at my place and walked over. When we got there we took a seat at the bar and got some drinks, and chatted for a while.

Fit girl [F] with a perfect ass blows my [M] mind (and my cock) on our first and only date

Photo reference: https://imgur.com/a/HzW0QYN

*This is not a picture of the girl in the story, just a similar body-type for reference while reading. The picture is of u/NoMacaron3284, used with her permission.*

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I matched with this girl on Tinder whose pictures were so hot, I was surprised she didn’t turn out to be a fake account. She was a brunette with a half sleeve of tattoos on one arm and a fit build. It was obvious in her pictures that she spent a lot of time at the gym, and working on her ass specifically. In every picture you could see her perfect bubble butt and tight body, and I knew that she would turn my head if I saw her on the street.

Once we matched I sent her a message, something basic that I can’t remember now. Surprisingly she responded, and we started talking about whatever we were up to that day. This led to discussing her interests and hobbies, which she obviously said were fitness and nutrition. She also told me she had a wild streak and liked to party now and then, and said that one of her pictures was from a club in Vegas with her friend. In that picture she was wearing a sexy red dress, and I knew that every guy in that club must have had eyes for her that night.

She [F] wasn’t a virgin, but I [M] was the first guy to fuck her.

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I’ll be honest: when I swiped on this girl, I was swiping for her tits. Her profile wasn’t bad, and she had a cute face, but these are things I noticed after we had matched. When we started chatting, I found that she was funny and innocent in a cute way. She was a kindergarten teacher, which upon learning made me imagine dads at parent-teacher conferences trying not to look down at their kids’ teacher’s tits. Luckily for me I was just a guy she had shown interest in, which meant I had a shot of seeing her tits for real.

We chatted more about what we did for work, our hobbies, our pasts. I learned that she was a bartender in college, which in my head gave her some kind of edge I don’t usually associate with kindergarten teachers. She had gotten out of a serious relationship not too long before, and was looking to get back into dating. Things were going pretty well, so I asked her out for drinks. She said that sounded nice, and we decided on a bar.

Hot Asian girl [F] knew what she wanted, and I [M] loved giving it to her.

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When I saw this girl’s profile, something about her emanated sex appeal. In her pictures she had a beautiful face with a confident look in her eyes, as well as a sexy slender body. She was south Asian, with smooth light brown skin and dark features that were striking to me; she had the look of a model. I was pleased to see that she matched with me, and I sent her a message.

She responded, and we chatted about our interests, hobbies, what we liked to do in town, etc. After a week or so of messaging like this I asked her out to coffee, and she said that sounded like fun. We agreed on a time and place, and in a few days it was time for our date. I pulled up to the coffee shop and saw her waiting outside for me.

Cute college freshman [F] invites me [M] back for more.

(See my previous “Cute college freshman…” story for the first part of this series.)

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After our first date, we continued texting pretty frequently. It was sometime around the week of Thanksgiving, and she was going home from college for the holiday. While she was staying with her family she would snap me from her bedroom, and after all that happened on our first date she was very flirty with me. We planned to hang out again once she was finished with her finals, which would be in a few weeks.

Over the next few days and weeks we continued to flirt and talk about what all we could do on our next date. We decided that we would meet at her place the weekend after her finals when her roommate was gone, and then she’d head home for the holiday break. As the days went by and we got closer to that weekend, I constantly replayed our first date in my mind. Our texting heated up, and we would have long hot conversations about what we would do when we met again. She brought up things she liked that I did on our first date, and repeatedly commented on how big I was. When she was feeling horny during our chats, she would send nudes like the one linked below.

An innocent, inexperienced small town girl [F] lets me [M] show her a few things.

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This is a continuation of my story with Eve, which you can find on my profile. Eve was from a small town over an hour away from the city I lived in. We had a pretty wholesome first date that ended in us kissing; shortly after our first date, she planned to come to my place in the city to hang out again.

We decided to meet in a parking lot again and drive to my place together, as parking near where I lived could be hard to find. She met a friend at a nearby store, and when they were finished shopping she walked over to my car. She was wearing similar jeans to the first date, that hugged her thick thighs and ass nicely. She smiled as she got into my car and we greeted each other. She had brought me a book that she liked, which was a sweet gesture and showed that she was into me. I thanked her and we started the drive to my place.

She [F] invited me [M] for a late night out with her friends [FF], and the next morning we all woke up at my place.

(TLDR at the end)

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I matched with this girl on Tinder, and we had been on a few dates before this story happened (I’ll call her Callie for this story). On our first date we met for drinks and chatted, and we got along pretty well. I thought she was really cute; she had a short and curvy figure, with an adorable smile and rosy cheeks when she drank (she was half Japanese and explained the “Asian flush” to me). On our second date we went hiking together, and had a great time talking about anything and everything; I could tell we had some chemistry.

On our third date things jumped to a new level. Callie came over to watch movies and drink wine on a Friday night. We cuddled on the couch watching and talking together, and somehow the conversation got to some of her previous matches. She told me about a guy harassing and guilting her into sending nudes to him. I can’t tell if this was just a way for her to bring it up or if it was necessary for her story, but she pulled up the nudes she had sent to him and showed them to me in person. I didn’t know whether to be blown away by the move, or by the amazing nude body I saw in her pics. She never sent me any via text or snap, so I think this was her way of keeping me from having them whenever I wanted them.

She [F] texted me [M] to come over late at night, and I fucked her off of her own mattress.

(TLDR at the end)

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This story is about Jamie, who I’ve posted about before. We had a pretty wholesome first date that developed into becoming friends-with-benefits. She texted me to come over at night a few days after our first date and we hooked up twice. I used a condom the first time and pulled out the second, not knowing if she was on bc. She wasn’t, but shortly after that night she got on it.

Over the week or two after we hooked up we were flirting and snapping pretty frequently. She told me that she had just started bc, and that we wouldn’t need to use a condom the next time I came over. This was great news to me, and I was really looking forward to fucking her raw the next time I saw her.

One night during the week I was at home after work, with no plans for the evening. I texted her to see if she wanted to hang out, and she invited me over. When I got there she welcomed me in with a sexy grin, and walked me straight upstairs to her bedroom. The last time I was at her place we had never left the couch downstairs.

An innocent first date leads to her [F] becoming my [M] dirty late-night FWB.

(TLDR at the end)

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I matched with this girl on Tinder (we’ll call her Jamie) that had only one blurry picture, which was always a gamble. On top of that, her profile said she was 32 and I hadn’t been with someone in their 30s before. But I still saw it as an opportunity to meet a new person and maybe more would come of it. We started chatting and eventually decided we would meet for a bite and walk around the park together. She seemed pretty shy and didn’t share too much about herself over text, so I was interested to see what she’d be like in person.

I ghosted her [F] twice, she fucked me [M], came twice, and ghosted me back.

(TLDR at the end)

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That title is a rollercoaster, but let me explain. At the time of the story I was on a couple different dating apps, and was pretty swipe-happy. I was playing the numbers game; the more liberal I was with my swipes, the more potential matches I’d get. Then I could chat with the person and see if they were someone I’d want to meet up with.

I matched with this girl on one of my apps and she sent the first message. Apparently her opening line didn’t do much for me, because I left her on read (a low move, I know). I didn’t think anything of it until a couple weeks later when I saw two new messages on my other dating app. When I looked closer, I saw that it was the same girl. She had sent the first message again, and I hadn’t responded again. After a day or two of me not responding, she sent her second message: “Wow, ghosted on two different apps lol”.