[MF] How I bedded a long time college crush – Part 1

Disclaimer: This my first attempt at a full english story. I’m translating a post I had in a local subreddit into full english. I’m also streamlining the story a bit. English isn’t my native language but hey, I’ll give it my best shot. This has a lot of backstory, I can tell you what to look out for if you just want to read the good parts, but I think the backstory is worth it.

College, for me, it wasn’t the cliché experience of one party after another and getting lucky, or meeting pretty ladies in my classes and have something develop from there. I also didn’t like the idea of possibly getting catfished in omegle. Yes, Omegle was how we met people with common interests back then, as Tinder and Bumble had yet to be made. I really was just the wake up –> go to class -> go home kind of guy, it just didn’t reflect in my grades cuz engineering is a tough nut to crack.

Of course I also had orgs (or clubs), and if I’m being honest, I became much closer to my orgmates than my blockmates and coursemates, but I still get along with my block just as fine.