how I became a rebound pt. 4 [MF]

Apologies, first and foremost. The work has not been the kindest to this lazy fatso and I just didn’t have the time to talk about what had happened after the crazy first night. And this one is going to be… ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

To recap what had happened…

1. Met a drunk woman who just got out of a long term relationship, and did nothing that night
2. Ended up messaging her then went on a date
3. Fucked more times in one night than I had in over 2 years
4. Along the way, had a very intimate moment, especially for two virtual strangers

****** sex starts here ******

As I looked at her, still very half awake, half asleep, mesmerized by her beauty, she offered me a drink, that wasn’t a coffee, a tea. Although I am not much of a tea drinker, the tea she prepared for me was much better than I thought it was. The tea was one of those fruit infused teas, peach flavoured one, and we drank our drinks with little dialogues.

how I became a rebound pt. 3 [MF]

****** sex starts from here ********

I don’t know if anyone cares, but surprise! It wasn’t the end of it, by a long shot, and I am here to continue the story. Just to clarify that what had happened was 100% true, maybe I may not remember the dialogues clearly, as it’s been almost 6 months, but the overall experience is definitely true.

To recap a story.

1. Met a drunk woman who just got out of relationship, and did not do anything with her while she was under the influence
2. Had an angry message from her, demanding to know what kind of creep I am
3. Then received an apologetic message and was asked out on, looking back at it, a date
4. After the date, had fucked like I have never fucked before, more than once.
5. To be continued.

And also, sorry in advance, unlike the other ones, this is going to be quite vanilla.

how I became a rebound pt. 2 [MF]

I just wanted to say thank you to u/koschengai for the encouragement, as i didn’t think anyone was going to read the story, and I was actually quite nervous to write the whole thing in a first place.

And now let’s get back to the previous story.

For those who didn’t read the story, this is a story of how I, an ugly, short, chubby Asian with a small cock became a rebound to a girl who was significantly above my level and significantly younger than me.

******* where the sex starts ********

As we laid on the floor, me, panting like an idiot who went out for a long run, she just held onto me so affectionately and yet tightly. And as an idiot who haven’t been with women in a long time, I just laid there, without having much clues on what to do. Having said that, I enjoyed her embrace a lot and it was great to be cuddling with this gorgeous girl.

how I became a rebound [MF]

The sex part starts from **********

Let me preface it before the story begins. Unlike most men on this subreddit with their third legs, 0% body fat percentage demi gods who can fuck like pornstars, I have none of those qualities. I am short, chubby, Asian and a small dick. I got a face that only a mother can love and it should be in a museum as a modern art piece. If the life was a game, my life would be set at a difficulty that could only be equivalent to “This cannot be cleared, no matter what” difficulty, with women, especially living in a western country. And this is how I became a rebound to a girl, more than 10 years younger than me, who was significantly above my level.

My friends have always told me I have a thing for women who are in pain, who have been through a lot, got out of a rough relationships, which I don’t agree with, because I have always admired women with strong personality, determination and drive, but ironically, she was one of them.