I (28[F])catfished my university crush (29[M]) and had the hottest cyber sex with him, with a big twist ending – PART 2

Hi all, I shared part one of my story a few weeks ago and got a really positive response which really surprised me as I didn’t really think anyone would read it! A lot of people asked for a part two once I met up with David in real life, so here it is.

If you haven’t read part 1 yet, you can find it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gdr3zw/i_28f_catfished_my_university_crush_29m_and_had/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

For info: We weren’t able to see each other in really life until 2 weeks after the events in part 1 due to wanting to comply with COVID restrictions where we live. We initially thought it would be ok to see each other that following weekend but unfortunately we were wrong. Sorry for keeping you all hanging. Below is the story of our first meeting after all those years.

Part 2-

It had been almost a two weeks since mine and David’s big reveals, him revealing that he knew it was me catfishing him all along, and me revealing my reasons behind my actions.

I (28[F]) catfished my university crush (29[M]) and had the hottest cyber sex with him, with a big twist ending

Since this lockdown started I have been feeling really lonely and isolated as I live alone. It has been made worse by the fact I deleted my social media years ago as my job (working with children in foster care) requires me to have no online presence.

One night I was feeling bored and alone and thought it would be interesting to instagram stalk my old friends I went to university with all those years ago, and see what they were up to and what they look like now. I tried to look at their profiles but they were all private and seeing as I didn’t have an account I couldn’t request to see them. I came up with the idea to create a fake Instagram account using the name and photo of a girl I went to university with, let’s call her Jill. I should have felt bad doing this but I didn’t because Jill was never a good friend to me. I knew I wouldn’t get caught using her name and photo as she cut everyone off mid way through our final year because she had started dating a really hot but extremely Christian guy who refused to let her see her friends and deleted all her social media pages. Last I heard she moved interstate with the Christian guy to get married so I felt like my cover was pretty safe.