[MF] My Chatline Addiction [Long]

(Names changed to protect those involved)

B4 Tinder their was Chatlines

My confessional

At the time before Tinder and Craigslist where you could put a name to a face their were Chatlines/partylines and I was a frequent participant

I didn’t have the confidence at the time of it but I knew I had a charm about myself as I’ve been told by other women

I dialed the number I seen late one nite on tv.

There was a array of people with voice messages trying to have a conversation. One of them stood out to me. Her name was Deborah. She had a sultry ness to her voice, sweet yet sexy. I had to get to know her.

We gotten to know one another over a months time. Finally we felt comfortable with one another to finally meet up. She invited me over to a dinner she had with some friends over her house. Driving there to say the least I was nervous and also I didn’t know what she looked like just what she described herself over the phone.

As I approach her home and ring the doorbell out answers of women who say the least was stunning