Hey All,
Long time lurker and first time posting here. Using a throwaway account for obvious reasons, but here’s my story of when I was 16(F) and I fucked my freshly 18 co-worker in the equipment room of a car wash.
For the sake of the story, we will call him Matt. I had just started my freshman year of high school when I got my first job working at the car wash in town, where I eventually would meet Matt and let me tell you, my 16 year old self instantly had a metaphorical hard on for this guy. Matt was a senior and I had remembered seeing him from time to time during the first few weeks of high school, and to top it all off he was the quarterback for the football team. I was infatuated with him, he was gorgeous, tall and he spent a lot of his time working out so as you could imagine, he was pretty massive for an 18 year old. I immediately wanted to fuck this guy, and I was determined.