Ginger craziness – Pt. 2

I went back down and ate her out some more. Felt so amazing – perfectly smooth on my tongue and tasted delicious. Coming up occasionally to whisper dirty things in her ear or kiss her. What I learned was that she would not really make any loud sounds or say anything outloud…But when I would go up to her she would say crazy things in my ear. This girl was desperate for pleasure but she was just so shy she only wanted me to know. This really turned me on…It was like I had discovered a secret way get to down inside of her brain, that I could unlock if I went up and let her whisper in my ear. Like I was her only way to get it out and she was telling me stuff NOBODY would have had a clue about before. She would be just laying there squirming while I was eating her out and be getting really close and I would go up and she would whisper 'I cant control my legs' or when I kiss her she would say 'yummy'…so hot. After we had been doing that for a while and had gotten tired I came back up and made out with her some more. Felt so amazing with this girl wrapping her legs around me and eating herself off my lips. She whispered, 'my turn.' and kinda of play pushed me down flat. I still had my jeans on somehow at this point…She took them off me and just stared at me for a while, running her hands all over. Then she comes up and plays my game and whispers 'I'm about to suck every. last. drop. of cum out of your cock.' She went back down, put her hands on my legs and wrapped her lips around my head, then put her tongue pressure on and went down. I felt her throat. I'm pretty sure that's the best feeling I'm ever gonna get, ever. She goes at it for a while. I lasted a moderate amount of time and then told her I was gonna cum. She grabs me and slowly teases me until I pop. She angled me so I came on my torso. She slowly felt me up and what not while I was still in my bliss. Then after I was just about recovered she comes up, pulls her hair back, locks eyes with me, does not break eye contact, and proceeds to lick up my cum. The whole time I decided to tell her how filthy and good she was. She loved it. After that hotness was over she came up grabbed my hair softly and madeout with me really slow and relaxed for a good 10 minutes…Kissing neck, chest, etc…I mean, this girl took care of me SO GOOD. She knew what to do.

Ginger craziness – Pt. 1

Was in my 2nd to last semester of college (end of 4th year but I needed to go another semester to finish). Was in an elective lab and had some people from different majors in there. So got to meet some people I hadn't met before in my major. Lab groups of 5. Girl in my lab group that was a ginger – Lacey. I am a ginger too. But I mean she was WAY more gingery than me. Crazy bright red hair, green eyes, freckles galore. She was average looking in face probably 4-5/10 and her body wasn't anything special either 4-5/10 (really skinny/petite). She was super quiet. Most guys wouldn't be interested but I have a secret fetish for other gingers and she fit this bill perfectly. But I also have a rule – I would never date another redhead. It's shallow but I hate the idea of all the pointing and laughing etc.. So anyway…At this point in my college career I'm thinking I'm foreveralone virgin for the rest of my life and I screwed up all my college chances….This one could be my one last chance and it was so perfectly lined up too with her being my fetish. Well I ended up being a little bitch and putting it off constantly. I would kinda attempt to flirt with her during lab but she never really reciprocated anything — but I went out on a limb and figured it was just because she was shy. It ended up being like the 2nd to last lab and I was like screw it, time is running out. So I awkwardly ask her as we are leaving if she wants to go get something to eat at a campus dining place afterwards (it was a night lab so it ended at like 7). She says yes and we walk over there. We sit there and eat and kinda talk. She was still kinda shy but talked a lot more when we were alone versus in the group. Convo was actually really good. Mostly talked about school and broad stuff since we didn't really have any of the same interests. At some point in the conversation we got to talking about movies and idk how it happened, I didn't think through it and chicken out like I normally do, but I managed to ask her to come watch a movie at my place. She agreed — at this point I'm already losing it…Trying to figure out what is happening.