[MF] Lessons with a Virgin

***There’s a lot to this story but it’s one of the most unexpected sexual encounters I have ever had and one of the hottest as well. ***

A few months ago, I met someone while I was out and about. There’s no romantic interest, but we find each other fascinating because we’re so different.

He thought I was cute and struck a conversation with me. I was a little hesitant at first, but I responded out of curiosity and because he seemed to be a decent person. We discovered that we’re both fascinated by people (ie; people watching, getting to know someone), so he asked me out to dinner. I couldn’t remember the last time I went out on a date, so I said yes.

Joseph is a few years younger than I, but quite mature and responsible for his age. I told him he reminded me of me at his age because I used to be the same way.

“So what are you now?” he asked.

“I could be more responsible, but I like to have fun,” was my response.

I’m Fucking my Cousin’s Best Friend [FM]

My cousin has a friend that she’s been close with for years. He recently told me that the first time he noticed me was 4 or 5 years ago but I never actually noticed him until this year. We became smoke buddies about a month ago so we’ve been hanging out a lot.

I give off a very innocent and self centered vibe so he never thought I would actually even talk to him. I’ve been seeing someone for a while and I’m one of those people that likes to stick to one person but he’s been frustrating me a lot lately. I also wasn’t fond of the idea of getting involved with my cousin’s best friend, but he’s very convincing and the sex has been extremely adventurous.

So far we’ve fucked in a few public places and we talked about making a list of places we want to fuck at. He told my cousin we fucked already, but he didn’t tell her that it was going to be a reoccurring thing. I’m concerned that my family will find out about us, but the sex has been fun and I keep imagining us fucking in the bathroom during family functions or us “going to the store to buy s’mores”.

Fucking while on the phone [FM]

I’ve been seeing someone for a while now and we’ve grown very comfortable with each other. We are pretty much dating, but without the commitment and expectations.

Last year one of my aunts was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. The entire ordeal was stressful and I noticed myself spending more time with my partner. For story-telling purposes, we’ll call him Dave.

Some time around February, the doctors decided to stop all of my aunt’s treatment and send her to hospice. I spent the next three weeks at work, with her, and with Dave. No one in my family was handling the news in a healthy manner. Because of this, a few days after her passing, my second-cousin (her grandson) ended up in a rehabilitation center. He was sent to the hospital the night before her viewing and called me to let me know. He wanted me to handle everything for him while he was gone because I was the person he trusted the most. I spent the day of my aunt’s viewing shuffling between consoling family members, on the phone with my second-cousin’s mother, and on the phone with his father.

[FM] I had a lot of responsibilities to take care of yesterday but I was really horny. I ended up having some of the best sex I’ve ever had with my SO.

I’ve been seeing someone for a while now. He’s usually the one to initiate everything but I was feeling really horny yesterday. We both have very busy lives so we don’t see each other as much as we’d like to. To add to our busy lives, the sex has become really routine-like so I have been feeling frustrated with our sex life lately. So when I sent him the “I’m really horny today” text I was really hoping that he wouldn’t leave me hanging. To my luck, he told me to go over. 

When I arrived, he told me that he wanted to show me something. Sounds exciting right? Nope. I immediately got even more frustrated because I knew it wouldn’t be sexual. So for anyone wondering, he was learning how to play a new song and he wanted to play it for me. While he was playing, I was trying to stop myself from kissing him all over so I was just clinging onto him pretty hard. 

When he finished, I was pretty much on top of him and he said, “So you’re horny..” 

[FM] “Fulfilling” my fantasy.

Zach and I dated for 3 years. He and I still keep in touch, but not nearly as much as we did when we first broke up. Our relationship was rocky but the sex was amazing. I honestly believe that our sex life was a huge factor as to why we stayed together for so long. Towards the end of our relationship I started feeling miserable and depressed. Depression can be a huge libido killer so our sex was little to none. When we bothered to have sex, I felt like it was 5x more enjoyable for Zach than it was for me, which only made things worse.

Our sex life was always pretty adventurous (teasing, toys, etc.) but I never fully opened myself up himself to him because we were both trying to be someone we were not. I had a few crazy months while still “seeing” Zach and tbat helped me open myself up to him more. One night, we started talking about fanasies. He asked me what mine was and I felt almost too embarrassed to tell him but he managed to get it out of me: DP (Double Penetration).

Zach [FM]

It’s that time of the month for me which causes an increase to my already high libido. Every month for two whole weeks, all I can think about is sex and masturbating but masturbating only makes it worse. I have a very hard time masturbating without some form of a mental stimulation (videos, audio, r/gonewildstories, etc.), but every once in a while when my libido is off the charts, I will start to think back to some of my incredibly hot and kinky times.

A few years ago, I met Zach. Zach was not my type (I didn’t even know that I had a type until last year), but it was his personality that caught my attention. After a few weeks our relationship “just happened” and, admittably, it was not the healthiest relationship. I believe the one thing that kept us together for so long was our kinky sex life.

Zach is not large in size at all. It did not matter though because he made up for it in other ways: through foreplay (very important fellas), oral, toys, knowing the right angles, and so much more. I’m already sensitive but he found all of the right spots to kiss/touch me and make me squirm. 20 minutes of teasing and oral stimulation would make me orgasm HARD so his dick would feel amazing when he finally slipped it inside of me.

Selling my vehicle [FM]

This one happened to cross my mind while I was sitting in the parking lot after work and I thought it would be fun to share.

I was selling a vehicle on Craigslist and a pontential buyer asked if he could meet me as soon as I got off of work. I told him I would be home by 6pm and I texted him the address.

I let my boyfriend (Zach) know once the potential buyer and I agreed on a time.

The vehicle was in the parking lot of my old apartment complex. I was planning on waiting outside until the man arrived because I usually got home around 5:30pm-5:45pm but I ended up arriving a little before 5:30pm and Zach was outside already. He knew what time I got home and him being outside waiting for me was a normal thing.

Normally, he would open the car door for me, embrace me, and help me with carrying things inside. On this day, he was distracted with the car so I decided to go mess with him. While he was hunched over the backseat, I walked up to him, smacked him on the ass, and said, “That ass though.”