Craigslist 3 way was wow

Hi, long time reader, first time writer.

This story is about a random encounter that happened on Craigslist.

I'm an Anthropology grad student at Monmouth. I'm just a putz living in Presbyteriansville Illinois.

So I submitted a pretty important paper today and needed to blow off steam. My buddies are all still busy with school so I go home and land on the Casual Encounters amidst a solo session on fapdu. The first listing was for two girls looking to be watched or joined. Now everyone knows those ads are fake 100% of the time, however it was posted 25 minutes before i clicked it so I thought, 'hey what scammer is posting at 6:30?' So I took a chance because a phone # was listed. Lo and behold a girl responded and we made small talk.

They are roommates and short on rent, and of course my first thought was well they must be drug-fiends. Finally she asked if we were gonna do this. I said yeah, what's the deal, she said $200 if i wanted to watch and $250 if i wanted to join. I thought man, that's cheap, they must be planning to rob me etc. etc. etc. I work part-time at a laundry mat and my tuition is paid by scholarships so I took the chance because it seemed too good to be true.