[M]y second a[f]air part 4: fun times at work

Outside of having some fun at my house, with Brandi and I also couldn’t keep our hands off each other at work. We worked on different departments at the store, but often worked the same shift or had over lapping shifts. Luckily, we each had areas of our departments that we could hide in, away from customers and other employees. The following will be just a few short stories from the store. Her manager uniform was a grey shirt, black vest, and black slacks. She usually kept the vest at work to keep it clean, and the shirt was a button down shirt.

I worked in the dairy department at our store, which meant that I had my own little cooler to hang out in. Even though it was cold in there, Brandi would still come in and say bye to me after her shift ended. One time, she walked into the cooler with her hands full of groceries. I gave her a hug and kiss, and while we talked, I started to unbutton her shirt until her bra was visible. When she asked what I was doing, I smiled, then bent down, pulling her bra down enough that I could suck on her already hard nipples. After a few minutes, I buttoned back up her shirt and kissed her goodbye.

[M]y second af[f]air part 3: the closest we came

I will tell you all right now that Brandi and I never had sex. We would talk about it often but in the end decided that it would be pushing things too far. I always told her that I would respect whatever she wanted, so I was just happy to do the things to her that she let me do. Our affair together would last most of the year, starting around February and ending in early fall. I’m not going to write about every time we got together, because they were largely all the same. One time does stick out in my head and it’s probably the closest we ever got to going too far and that is the story I will tell now.

Me and Brandi had been meeting up at least once a week for a few months now. The second time we were alone at my house, after I took off her tank top, she removed her bra, and placed my hands on her breasts, giving me permission to play with them. Massive, more then a handful, nipples that were amazing to suck and lick. Even though we weren’t having sex, we were both learning a lot about each other and our bodies and knew how to drive each other crazy. I had fingered her a few times, always with my hand down her pants, she absolutely refused to let me take them off. But her orgasms always shook her body and left her in a good mood the rest of the day. She had jacked me off once, but stopped just short of me coming when her husband called her.

[M]y second af[f]air part 2: the first time in my house

I woke up the next day, my wife had already left for work, so I immediately texted Brandi good morning and that I was excited to see her that day. She replied back almost immediately how excited she was. Her appointment was at 9:30, she would be over to my house around 10:30, giving us just over an hour to be together.

When she arrived to my house, I gave her a quick tour before we settled down on my couch. She told me that she still did not want to have sex with me, but was OK with kissing. I told her that was fine with me, and to just say stop if things got too far and that I would always listen to her.

A little about Brandi. She was around five foot tall, a little on the chunky side, massive breasts, a very pretty face with dyed red hair, and had a few tattoos on her arms, back, and feet. She liked to wear tank tops, and today was no different, wearing a pink one with white skulls all over it. She definitely was not a jean type of girl, she would rather be in leggings, which I enjoyed her wearing.

[M]y second af[f]air part 1: the lead up

Note: no sex in this story, but felt it was important to add all the build up

I started working for a local grocery store when I was 18 in 2006 as a bagger. One of my managers was a woman named Brandi. A few years older then me, but, to my horny 18 year old self, she was one of the better girls to look at at the store. She was in a relationship with somebody in another department and ended up transferring to another store when they got married. As I moved up in my store over the years, I would see Brandi thanks to various training classes we were required to take.

In early 2013, I transfered to the same store that Brandi was working at. Being one of the few people there that knew who I was, she was friendly to me, which I was grateful for. Over the next few years, we became friends.

[M]y brother-in-laws ex wife part 3

I stared at my phone in disbelief. Kourtney, my wife’s sister, had sent me a text saying that she knew about me and Jessica, our ex-sister-in-law. What did she know? How did she know? I took the screen shot of the text, and sent it to Jessica, asking about it. Sent Kourtney back a text asking what she was talking about. 

She replied, telling me not to play dumb. I asked what she knew. She said everything.

As my life flashed before my eyes, Jessica finally texted me back. She told me that her and Kourtney had remained friends after her divorce from her brother, and had been going to the gym together once a week. After our last hook up over the weekend, Jessica had gone to the gym in the best mood she’s been in in a long time and Kourtney wanted to know why. Jessica eventually spilled the beans and, according to her, let it slip that it was me that she hooked up with.

She told me that she begged Kourtney not to say anything, saying that she would just deny anything and that it would create unnecessary family drama. Kourtney agreed and Jessica had no idea why Kourtney was telling me that she knew.

[M]y brother-in-laws ex wi[f]e part 2

Since our first unexpected hook up a few months ago, Jessica and I would text each other, trying to find a time we could see each other alone again. We did see each other a few times, as my wife and I started to watch her little boy a few times, either with Jessica picking him up, or dropping him off for Jessica’s ex to pick hum up. Unfortunately, with my wife around, we couldn’t do anything that we wanted to.

We were always trying to find some way to get alone, but with me having 3 kids of my own and her living an hour away, it wasn’t easy. I joked with her one day that she should just come up for a play date with the kids, and do it on a Saturday when my wife would be out grocery shopping. When I got home that day from work, much to my surprise, my wife told me that Jessica had texted her, asking for a day that she could bring her son up to play with his cousins, and mentioned that she wanted to stick around to spend some time with her nieces!

[M]y brother-in-law’s ex wi[f]e

When my brother in law and his wife divorced last year, I was pretty bummed. Not only because it’s always sad to see a family torn apart, but because Jessica was a fun person to be around, and was good looking too. While I didn’t blame her for what she did, like I know others in the family did, I wish we could have kicked my brother in law out of the family and kept her.

Since their break up, they’ve been spilting time with their son, going back and forth every couple of weeks. There has been some bad blood, so they try to avoid each other, and drop off the son at a grandparents house to be picked up. I don’t believe that’s the correct way to raise a child, but it’s working for him. A few weeks ago, I got a call from my brother in law, asking if he could drop his son off at my house, and watch him for about an hour until his mother could get there and I agreed to.

My first time [MF]

If you’ve read my other stories (found in my profile), you’ll know that me and Britney had dated a number of years before we had an affair together while I was dating my current wide. This is a story of our first time together. 

Me and Britney first met shortly after we gaf both graduated from high school on some website called MySpace. We went to different high schools, but in the same area. We went on a couple dates and by early fall, we were officially a couple. Britney was my first everything. First date, first kiss, first girlfriend, first everything.

After we became official, it didn’t take long for our relationship to turn sexual. We spent many a day in one of our beds, exploring each other’s bodies. Outside of flashing her last boyfriend, and making out with him, I was Britneys first too. The first moan she let out the first time I sucked on her nipples…her first orgasm from somebody’s fingers that weren’t her known.