The New Neighbor chapter 1 [M35/F33] [cheating] [penatration]

I’m sure we’ve all been there, a house in your neighborhood goes up for sale, and you wonder who will move in. For me, with the house in question being only two doors down from mine, and seeing it every day when I come home from work, I was really hoping it would be somebody hot. The house sat vacate for nearly a year while it was being renovated, before a for sale sign finally went up in front of it.

It wasn’t too long before the sign was taken down, the Elder’s Quorum president was texting to see who could help move a new family in, and I was driving home one day to see a young family moving in. I quickly parked my car and walked over to help, with the Elder’s Quorum president introducing me to the father of the family.

“Hi, I’m Bryan,” he said as we shook hands and told him my name. He seemed familiar but I wasn’t sure how. He introduced his two young daughters to me, then told me that his wife was back at their old house, finishing packing. I helped unload the moving truck, telling him I’ll keep an eye out for their return and be back to help then.

How my ex-sister-in-law became my FWB [M34/F24] [fictional] [penetration]

Note: totally fictional, made up fantasy of mine. Descriptions of people are real, however, just with changed names.

Following my divorce from my now ex-wife, it took a few months to get back to the single life. Threw myself into my work, working crazy hours, while also picking up a few hobbies, both old and new. But, the social part of life was throwing me for a loop. Luckily, I had a few longer coworkers that would invite me out on the weekends, and when I didn’t have my kids, I would gladly join them at a bar for a couple hours. I didn’t drink, but still enjoyed being with them, and even trying to remember how to flirt.

One such Friday night, hanging out at a bar none of us had ever been to, I was surprised to see my ex-wife’s youngest sister at, hanging out with her friends. Katie was almost the black sheep at the family. She married young, was divorced within a year due to her cheating, and was going out drinking and partying on a weekly basis, much to the distant of her LDS parents. Despite a ten year age difference in me and her, we got along well, since I tried my best not to judge her, and just let her be herself around me.

How to make working with a bitch worth it [M34/F40] [work] [fiction] [oral] [penetration]

My work is a sausage fest. Out of over thirty-five employees at my location, four of them are women. Two are old, one is a MILF, but hides in the offices and is rarely seen by the operations team. The last, named Bailey, is the operation managers back up, along with her main job. She’s nice most of the time. But, when she’s in charge a few times a year, she turns into a total bitch. Nobody likes working for her, and, honestly, she doesn’t understand our jobs and thinks we’re all lazy.

Luckily, for me, I was moved to another area late last year and basically became my own manager, working with, instead for, the operations manager. Basically, when Bailey is in charge, she can ask me to help out, but can no longer order me around. At least, that’s how it’s supposed to work.

Over the last seven years that we’ve worked together, me and Bailey actually get along pretty well, even when she’s in her bitch mode. I like to flirt with her, have straight up told her that if she needs to relax, I’ll make her feel good, and nearly got her to send me a picture of her boobs last time she was in charge.

My Favorite Realtor part 13 [M33/F28] [penetration] [handcuffs] [long] [oral]

As Kayli and I planned out the weekend that my wife would be gone, we knew that we wanted a night together and that I wanted a day with a Jennifer. Of course, that day with Jennifer would turn into a full night with her. But, as Kayli and I talked about what we would do with our night together, we started to realize that this might be the last time we did anything together. As much fun as we were having, we felt like we were growing too close to each other, and didn’t want anything to happen to our families. So, we decided to enjoy the night we had, and go out with a bang.

By the time I had dropped my family off at the airport and got back home that Friday, it was mid-afternoon. Kayli had been working me up all week, as I had to her, and I couldn’t wait for her to come over. When she finally texted that she was on her way, I started to think of all the things I wanted to do to her, starting as soon as she walked through the door, getting myself turned on. When she arrived, I watched from my living room window as she got out of her car. She had a couple plastic containers in her hands, most likely with food in them, a black duffel bag on her shoulder, and was wearing her typical black leggings and a gray tank top. Her black hair was pulled up into a messy bun on top of her head, and I couldn’t want to pull on it while pounding her from behind.

My Favorite Realtor part 12 [M33/F30] [penetration, solo, fiction]

As I waited for Jennifer to get out of the shower, I thought about joining her. I knew I wouldn’t be able to go again so soon after finishing on her, but just watching her wash herself off would have been nice. As I thought about it, my phone went off and I received a text from Kayli.

K: “So, how’s it going? You fucked her all over your house already?”

T: “Going great. Once on the couch, once in the kitchen. Made her cum a few times. She’s in the shower now.”

K: “In the shower? I thought she would be home by now.”

T: “Nope, she told her husband she would be home tomorrow, so she’s mine all night.”

K: “Hell. Yes. I’m jealous. But, we did have our fun last night. What else do you have planned for her?”

T: “Yes, we did. I’m thinking of making her play with herself for a bit. Then, see how long we can stay up for.”

K: “Send me pictures! And videos! We sent her some last night, tell her to return the favor.”

T: “Will do.”

My Favorite Realtor part 11 [M33/F30] [cheating] [solo, penetration, oral]

I was really struggling with coming up with a third task for Jennifer to do to earn her thong back. After she had finished my second request and let me cover her in my cum, Kayli had come over, we fucked, and then talked about it. I told her my ideas and she helped me out with some ideas to flesh them out, and find some time to do them. A few days later, Jennifer was texting me about it and I told her I had some options, but she needed to pick what one she wanted.

J: “That’s fair. What are the options?”

T: “First, you have a threesome with me and Kayli. Second option would be anal. Third option, you become free use for me for a day.”

J: “What, exactly does free use mean?”

T: “You spend the day with me and any time I want to do anything sexual, you can’t say no.”

J: “I would do that any way. As much as you want the first one, I wouldn’t be up for it. You would tear me apart with the second option. Free use option it is. But, how are we going to get that much alone time?”

My Favorite Realtor part 10 [M33/F30]

After waking up to a picture of Jennifer playing with herself from the night before, I sent her a text.

T: “That was one of the best things I’ve ever woken up to.”

It was a few hours later that I received a text back from her.

J: “You want to know something else about last night?”

T: “Of course.”

J: “After taking the video, and playing with myself more afterwards, I was still so turned on that I woke up my husband. I rode him to completion, but I was thinking of you the whole time.”

T: “Lucky guy. Too bad it wasn’t me.”

J: “You figure out what your next request will be?”

T: “I have a few ideas.”

J: “Like what?”

T: “I think the next request is going to be either a blowjob, or a make out session with Kayli.”

J: “Oh geez, of course you would want the one thing I’m not that good at or try to turn me bi.”

T: “Whatever. Your blowjobs are great. Plus, you’re the only one I either haven’t finished in their mouth or somewhere on them.”

My Favorite Realtor part 9 [M33/F28/F30solo]

A few days after our hot tub adventure, I met up with Kayli in a parking lot after I got off work and she was in between showings. I had brought back the panties I had taken from her and as I handed them to her she asked me, “So, how are you going to make Tara and Jennifer earn back theirs?”

I surprised her when I said, “actually, Tara already earned hers back. Still working on Jennifer.” She looked up from her phone and said, “wait, what? When did Tara gets hers back? And how?”

I laughed and said, “it was a few days after I took them. She came over while my wife was gone that Saturday. She had texted me the night before, saying that she wanted my cock to strech her out again and asked when. So, after my wife left, she stopped over, we fucked, and she took her panties back.

Kayli was flabbergasted and said, “shut up. I need more details. Tell me everything.”

My Favorite Realtor part 8 [M33/F28]

Being a father that works for time, as I’m sure we all know, it makes it difficult to find time for a social life away from the family. Adding on to that, trying to sneak around and be a stress reliefer for three real estate agents? I don’t even know what a friend is anymore. That’s why when I had some co-workers invite me out one Friday night, I was excited when my wife and I arranged it so that I could go.

The night was just starting, we had ate some dinner at a bar and was hanging out, my co-workers getting drunk and dancing, me chilling and relaxing, nice and sober. I had been there a few hours when I received a text from Kayli.

K: “Too bad you can’t sneak away tonight. My husband is gone, my kid is asleep, I have wine.”

T: “I’m actually out with some friends…so…I could sneak away and nobody would know.”

K: “Come join me in my hot tub.”

T: “I don’t have a swimming suit. But I would love to join you.”

K: “That’s fine. I don’t have one either.”

My Favorite Realtor part 7 (M33/F32/F28)

Fortunately, (or unfortunately, depending how you look at it), my time with Jennifer had only taken up a few hours in the morning. It was good, because I still had time to clean up the house and do some yard work before my wife came home for her lunch. Bad, because, well, who wants to be doing yard work when you could be having fun with a naked, blonde, real estate agent?

I was outside when my wife came home. We talked about her day for a bit, I showed her what I was doing outside, and we ate lunch together. As soon as she left to go back to work, I texted Kayli that she was good to come over. I barely had time to sit down and wonder what her surprise would be that Jennifer told me about when my doorbell rang. I ran to open the door, and quickly figured out the surprise. Kayli wasn’t alone, instead she was standing next to her best friend and co-worker Tara. I let the girls in and we walked into the living room. I looked at Kayli and said, “when Jennifer said you had a surprise for me, this is not what I was expecting.”