Working in Real Estate part 7 [M35/F34/F32/F30] [oral] [penetration] [fiction]

The next month blew by. My offer on the house was accepted, the inspection and appraisal went smoothly, and I was settling into my new job with ease, becoming a behind the scenes coordinator for Kayli, Jennifer, and Tara. Right around the time I was to move into my new house, Kayli said that there was a real estate conference happening, in St. George, the southern part of Utah, and she had signed everybody up to attend. Although I wasn’t a real estate agent like the girls were, she still wanted me there to learn.

We decided to make the five hour drive down in Jennifer’s SUV, as it was big enough for all of us, plus luggage. The morning we needed to leave, Jennifer swung pass my house first to pick me up, and she greeted me with a hug and a kiss as she helped load my luggage on top of hers. As we drove to Kayli’s house, Jennifer said, “you excited for this?”

I replied back, “what? A five day getaway, with my three favorite women? Nah, not excited at all.”

Working in Real Estate part 6 [M35/F30/F32] [fiction] [rough] [oral] [penetration]

Amid me changing jobs, and trying to learn everything I needed to learn to be an asset to Kayli’s real estate team, I was still in the process of trying to find my own house. I had finally found a couple I wanted to walk through, and Kayli set up some times for us to view them on a Saturday, a few weeks after I had started at the company. We had agreed to met at the team’s main office, and head out to the homes from there.

I arrived before Kayli to get some work done, and was typing away on my computer when I heard her come in. I looked up to see Kayli wearing a blue tank top, her massive breasts pushed up together, her black hair in a bun up on top of her hair, and jean capris showing her shapely legs. We said hi to each other as she walked around my desk, leaning down to give me a kiss. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her down on my lap, continuing our kiss.

Working in Real Estate part 5 [M35/F30/F34] [penetration] [fiction] [oral]

I was a few days away from the end of my two week notice at my current job and joining Kayli’s real estate team. My current job had actually tried to get me to stay, but I decided that leaving a blue collar warehouse job for a job in real estate was a much better choice for the future health of my body. The promised sex benefits helped as well.

I was technically a manager, in that I ran my own little area, had an office, was responsible for making sure things get done, but I was the only one in my area, so had to do all the work as well. Luckily, my area was off from everybody else, so I was mainly alone most of the days. Kayli had texted me this particular day, said she was in the area, and asked if she could pay me a quick visit. I said yes and when she arrived a few minutes later, I quickly usherd her into my little office. After a quick hug, I asked her what was up and she said, “nothing, really. Just finished a showing, had some time to kill before my next one, and figured I’d see what I’m taking you away from.”

Working in Real Estate part 4 [M35/F32/F30] [long] [threesome] [oral] [penetration]

Standing in the living room of my small one-bedroom apartment, I stared at Kayli, the five foot tall, black haired, real estate agent that had just told me her body was all mine, to use however I want, in an attempt to get me to join her real estate team. I glanced around before saying, “before I can tell you how I want to use your body, I need to see your body. Strip for me.”

Kayli smiled and said, “of course. Go sit down.” I hurried and took off my shirt, leaving me naked as I walked towards my couch. I sat down, adjusting so that my semi-hard cock had plenty of room, and watched as Kayli walked towards me. She first removed the hair tie from her ponytail, shaking her head as her black, shoulder length hair with red streaks in it fell around her face. She then unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down and off, followed by her white thong. She threw the thong at my face, landing on my nose, where I could still smell her orgasm she had this morning.

Working in Real Estate part 3 [M35/F30] [oral] [long] [fiction]

It had been a few days since Tara attempted to recruit me to join her and Kayli’s real estate team. I was still debating on joining, and had scheduled a meeting with Kayli that weekend to discuss salary and everything else involved with a new job. I had woken up earlier then normal and was scrolling through my phone when a notification popped up that Kayli had posted a new story on Facebook. I quickly hopped on there, clicked on her picture, and held my finger on my phone to examine the picture.

Kayli was in her home gym, taking a picture of herself in the mirror, some motivation quote on the bottom. Her black hair pulled back in a ponytail, she had on a pink sports bra that was pushing her massive boobs up and together. Her flat abs on display, blue jogging shorts that hugged every inch of her skinny body, I was starting to grow hard, and sent her a message saying how hot she looked and what effect she was having on me.

Working in Real Estate part 2 [M35/F34] [oral] [penetration] [fiction]

The weekend following me and Kayli reconnecting, we met up at a couple different houses for me to view. While the both of us were hoping for a little more to happen, the most we managed to do, was some lingering hugs and a few quick kisses. I did tell her that I would a chance to shadow Tara to see what she does, and if it was something I would be interested in changing careers to. Kayli excitedly sat a date with Tara for that next Monday.

As I drove to Tara’s house that morning, I remembered the day that Kayli brought Tara over to my house and we ended up having a threesome. Tara had worked previously with my now ex-wife, so when she found out about me and Kayli, I was nervous she would tell, we instead ended up fucking a few times. I’ll never forgot that she had a super tight pussy, but could deep throat me with ease. I wasn’t sure what the day would bring, but I was looking forward to learning from her.

Working in Real Estate part 1 [M35/F30] [oral] [fiction] [penetration]

Note: hi all, this series continues one I wrote last year featuring some local real estate agents. Yes, the people and descriptions of them are real, just changed their names. The story is pure fantasy, but I hope you can still enjoy it! If you want to go back and read the first series, I’ve linked the first story below, the rest can be found on my profile.

[M]y [F]avorite Realtor part one from eroticliterature

In the two years since I had last seen my favorite realtor, Kayli, our lives had gone in drastically different directions. My wife and I had separated, not due to my cheating, but into reasons I don’t want to get into. She kept the house, later selling it, giving me a small amount of the profits, and moved into a townhome. I rented an apartment, worked a ton of over time, and started taking better care of myself, hiking and playing basketball as much as I could.

Stories from my life chapter 1 [M35/F41] [oral] [riding] [long] [fiction]

I woke up a few weeks ago to water in my basement, something no homeowner should ever want to happen. It’s been snowing and raining lots, my backyard has basically been a pond for the last month. After cleaning up the basement and pulling up the carpet, a few friends that were helping me went to the backyard to see what we could do about the water back there. We eventually traced the water to a pipe that was broken behind my fence in my backyard. It was draining all the water from a retention pond a few blocks away, right into my backyard. We made a few phone calls and eventually had the fire department out to look at the pipe.

After the fire department left, I was sitting down to rest when my doorbell went off. I quickly answered the door to see my next door neighbor standing there. We started to talk and she told me that her husband and her woke up to six inches of water in their basement and had been trying to clear it since midnight. I told her my thoughts about the broken pipe behind our houses and she wanted to help look into getting it fixed. We agreed to exchange phone numbers to keep in touch.

The New Neighbor chapter 3 [M35/F33] [penetration] [cheating] [oral]

With Christmas fast approaching, the weather was getting colder, it was starting to snow, and Bryan, Amanda’s husband, had decided that he wasn’t going to travel for work during the holidays, throwing a damper in our plans to try to get together every Monday. We had started to text each other, and she would keep me company while I worked, her naughty side coming out in the texts. I couldn’t convince her to send any pictures, but the words flowed free of what she wanted to do.

The week before Christmas, my wife and her sister took our kids out to do some last-minute Christmas shopping, leaving me at home for a bit. After getting a snack, I sat down on the couch, turned on an episode of Yellowstone, and settled down to watch it. I was a few minutes into the episode when my doorbell went off, and I heard a light knock at the turn. I paused the TV, walked to the door, and opened it to see Amanda standing there. She was bundled up in a black winter jacket, black pants, and had on a pink beanie with her blonde hair hanging out of it. She had a gift in her hand that she offered out to me after I opened the door.

The New Neighbor chapter is [M35/F33] [cheating] [penetration] [long]

I didn’t see Amanda outside her house in the days that followed our first little fling. I knew her husband had returned home, having waved to him as I drove pass their house. I wanted to text Amanda, but didn’t know what to say, or have Bryan see it. As we settled down in a pew at church that next Sunday, Amanda, Bryan, and their two daughters slide into the pew behind us and we all immediately started to talk, with them inviting us over dinner later that week.

Halfway through the meeting, I had to use the restroom, and was surprised to see Amanda getting up at the same time. As we walked to the bathrooms together, I said, “wanna sneak away and have some real fun?” Amanda laughed and said, “I wish.” “Me too,” I responded, “especially after seeing you in that dress.” She was wearing a blue dress, that stopped just above her knees, a black jacket that covered her shoulders, and a pair of black hairs, making her stand just a little taller then my five foot nine inch frame. She gave me a shy smile as she walked into the bathroom and I walked into mine.