Meeting [M]y first G[F] for the first time in years, part III

Firstly, thank you all for the feedback, I read all of it and considered it. Some of it was useful and constructive, some was critical but non judgemental, and some was harsh but fair.

So it’s been a while since posts and I’ve gone to write updates several times, but a lot has been happened since so I thought I’d save it for one post.

I’ll start by saying that, though I tried at first to cut my ex, things have since changed and we’re basically fucking whenever my wife is at work and sexting all other times. Read on if you want to know about how we got there….

After retrieving my wife’s underwear and putting them in the wash with some of my clothes to prevent her from noticing, I got a message from Kat.

K: So, how do I become worthy

T: You can’t, sorry. Not gonna happen again

K: I think I can, didn’t you see how willing I can be…

At this point, I decided to take a different tack to this approach, try to take the power back, even if it meant causing a little hurt. I also decided it was best to switch to a more discrete messaging service which unsurprisingly, she had.

Meeting [M]y ex for the [F]irst time in years. PART ii

Hey all, after my last post I got a few messages asking for a follow up so I decided when appropriate, I would to give an update, and it seems that time has come.

Fisrt, I’ll add some names for my ex (Kat) and wife (Laura) and me (Travis).

Finally, feedback, thoughts and comments are all welcome. Storytelling is a craft that I want to improve….

So, after our first round, my ex, Kat, messaged me with a picture of her holding my wife’s underwear. Messaging politely, I asked her to bring them back, freaking out my wife, Laura, would notice they’re missing (she has many pairs and not sure how.often she wears them, but one can understand why I might be nervous. Apparently, Kat took them from the dirty clothes in the bathroom when she got changed). She obviously thought this was a fun game and had other intentions, and rather than fight it, I played along and got her address.

I was with my wife the whole weekend as we’re currently in lockdown, but arranged to meet Kat for Monday lunch. Which brings us to today. As I knocked on the door I had a raft of feelings: nervous at fucking up my marriage, frustrated at Kat playing her games, and obviously, around by Kat playing her games.

Meeting [M]y ex for the [F]irst time in years.

I was told to post this here by members of another sub. I’ve adjusted it a bit because when I posted it, it was fresh….

Naughty stuff starts at XXXX

We broke up about a decade ago and have hooked up a few times since. I (M32) always found it hard to say no to her because she knows exactly which buttons of mine to press and exactly what I’m looking for in a partner sexually.

That being said, it’s probably been about 3 years since we’ve met up (same time I got married), so I was a bit cautious when I saw a message pop up from her.

Usually, when she used to message, it would be direct “I’ve been a bad girl,” or “I’m ready to obey” etc. etc. But this time it was hey, how’s it going. We went back and forth catching up, apparently she’s recently engaged. I knew I should have been careful and just said no when she asked to get a coffee, but she seemed to be polite and sincere.