The Time I Fucked The Annoying Girl at Work [MF] Part 4 (Long)

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

There is a lot to cover in this part of Steve and Ally, It will not have every single detail but I will try to cover everything as best I can.

Ally woke up about 6 to 7 hours later. I had just finished binge watching Game of Thrones (I was late to the party) and was thinking about what I should make for dinner. She walked into the room and asked what time she showed up this morning. “Around 9, but you’ve been passed out since then” I responded to her. “Shit, my head”. She complained. “You’re probably hungry right” I said back to her, “Do you want some dinner?” “No, no you’re fine. You’ve done so much already.” She responded. I told her it was fine but she insisted. As I got up to walk out to the kitchen she asked “So… what are you expecting from this?” I was slightly confused as to how she wanted me to answer. I was hoping she wasn’t about to say she wanted a relationship as that would never work. But I also couldn’t say that I just wanted to fuck her brains out when I felt like. “I was under the assumption you wanted to play things casual” I said. She agreed that that would probably be best but insisted that if either of us start to catch feelings we had to end it. I agreed.

I Fucked The Annoying Girl At Work [MF] Part 2 (Re-Upload)


PRAISE BE TO THE MODs! They were able to recover the post after I deleted it! Be sure to thank them!

I’m glad you guys have enjoyed my story so far! I’m really enjoying sharing it with you and hope to keep writing more about my adventures with Ally! And to answer the main question I’m getting in my DMs, no I wont be sharing any pictures! Anyway lets continue where I left off. You can find part 1 [Here](

I had never been much of a dominate guy, I had a few experiences when but nothing to this level. My sexual experiences up until that night had mainly been a 50/50 mix of me taking control or my partner wanting to take the lead. I had never much thought about completely taking control away from someone in the bedroom until that night. It was clear from how she was talking that she loved being dominated… “please daddy” “Breed me, make me your fuck toy!” I would’ve had to be really drunk not to know what that meant. But something about me also being her superior at work gave me this sense of ownership. And she’s wants me to own her. It was brand new for me and I was loving it, I had found out something about myself that I didn’t know existed and still exists to this day.

The Time I Fucked The Annoying Girl At Work [MF] Part 3

Part 1:

I stupidly deleted part 2 by mistake! URGH! So I have to re-write it as there is no way to recover it. I have gotten the go ahead from my wife to spend the rest of the day to re-upload so give me a couple of hours and I’ll post it.

-EDIT 2-
Thank your friendly neighborhood MODs! They were able to recover [Part 2](

Ally left shortly after breakfast (If you can call it that at 2 in the afternoon). I spent the remainder of my weekend trying to wrap my head around what had just happened. One part of me was worried that she wouldn’t keep her mouth shut and people at work would find out. For those of you don’t know, the military does not look to kindly on these types of relationships. A romantic relationship between a junior enlisted and an NCO never sets a good precedence, whether or not you work in the same section. So it was an even bigger no no because I worked in her chain of command! The other part of me was like any guy would be, ecstatic that I just got to face fuck a really hot girl and made her squirt too!

The Time I Fucked the Annoying Girl at Work [MF] Part 2

I’m glad you guys have enjoyed my story so far! I’m really enjoying sharing it with you and hope to keep writing more about my adventures with Ally! And to answer the main question I’m getting in my DMs, no I wont be sharing any pictures! Anyway lets continue where I left off. You can find part 1 [Here](

I had never been much of a dominant guy, I had a few experiences when but nothing to this level. My sexual experiences up until that night had mainly been a 50/50 mix of me taking control or my partner wanting to take the lead. I had never much thought about completely taking control away from someone in the bedroom until that night. It was clear from how she was talking that she loved being dominated… “please daddy” “Breed me, make me your fuck toy!” I would’ve had to be really drunk not to know what that meant. But something about me also being her superior at work gave me this sense of ownership. And she’s wants me to own her. It was brand new for me and I was loving it, I had found out something about myself that I didn’t know existed and still exists to this day.

The Time I Fucked the Annoying Girl At Work [MF]

This is my first story that I have been wanting to share for a while (long time lurker). Before we get started please excuse any grammatical errors, english has never been my best subject!

To start, you should know some back story. I was 24 and in the military back in 2016 when this happened. I was stationed at a base in Florida at the time and my work center was full of awesome people. We all just clicked which in my experience is a very rare thing to come by for my particular job! We had fun at work and would go out in large groups and drink, party, watch sports together most weeks. It seemed like every few months we would get a new person in and they would settle right in and add a new fun dynamic to the group. It was by far the most fun I have ever had in the military outside of being overseas!