[M]y Fling with a Married Woman [F] Part 3


For anyone wanting a look at my beautiful Cora: [https://imgur.com/a/PfYFCGm](https://imgur.com/a/PfYFCGm)

Part 1: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/aywh1w/my_fling_with_a_married_woman_f_part_1/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/aywh1w/my_fling_with_a_married_woman_f_part_1/)

Part 2: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/az9vi7/my_fling_with_a_married_woman_part_2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/az9vi7/my_fling_with_a_married_woman_part_2/)


I catch back up with Cora at a hotel close to the beach. Rough hotel sexy occurs… A lot.


Cora and I had spent the next morning together after the roof. We fucked in the hostel, I really love that girl, it was great sex. We spent the rest of the day hanging around the town, getting breakfast, and saying goodbye. We truly didn’t know the next time we would be able to see each other again… Turns out it was a week later. I had arrived at the air bnb that I would be staying at for the next month, Cora was a four hour car ride away, so meeting halfway was a realistic option. Cora was nervous, but we really liked fucking. So we picked out a place to meet up for the day. She got us the hotel room for the night.

**The Drive**

[M]y [F]ling with a Married Woman Part 2


So in my last post I talked about meeting up with a married woman. Long story short it was incredible, the sex was hot, and I really liked being around her. We met up in a random city while I was travelling for reasons. I’ll leave a link to Part 1 here…

Part 1: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/aywh1w/my_fling_with_a_married_woman_f_part_1/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/aywh1w/my_fling_with_a_married_woman_f_part_1/)


A night out at the bar with a married woman leads me to bringing her back to my hostel and fucking her on the roof.

**The Night Out**

So after fucking in the hostel bed and then fucking in the public shower room at the hostel, we decided it would be a good idea to head out and get some food. Cora is a girl that’s always had fun going out to bars and parties. I’m not that kind of person so I let Cora take the lead. We were walking down a really nice strip in the city which is luckily right where my hostel is. There were people walking around and a bunch of bars. Cora had her hair down and some light makeup. She was wearing a low cut red top. It had straps that went across her chest. Her cleavage made it look as though her tits were ready to burst from her chest. Cora had on some jean leggings. Those leggings hugged her perfect ass that I desperately wanted my cock between again… I was wearing a nice t-shirt and some jeans. Cora is a much better dresser than I am.

[M]y Fling with a Married Woman [F] Part 1

**Some Backstory**

First of all I’m not exactly proud to have had a fling with a married woman. I met her online when we were both in bad situations. We became close and developed strong feelings for each other. I love her to this day. When we first met I was unaware she was married before my feelings for her developed and by the time I found out I no longer cared. I wanted her and lusted for her. She lived far away though and so I never acted on it. That was until September of 2018.

**The Meetup**

For reason’s I won’t get into I was travelling around a bit. One of my pit stops happened to be a few hours out from her. She was nervous and I was nervous because we both agreed to meet up at my hostel. A few hours before arriving (when she was supposed to be leaving) I get a call from her. She doesn’t want to go through with it. I’m not gonna lie, I was fiendishly horny at this point. All I could think of was having her in my hostel and fucking her. So I told a lie. “Don’t worry. It’s not a big deal. We’ll meet up as friends. There is no pressure on anything more. I won’t push you…” This was a lie. I knew it and she knew it. We had been having phone sex for months and knew each one of our kinks. There was zero chance we weren’t going to fuck. She let her mind buy into it however and decided to venture out.