I hooked up with a married woman last night and it was one of the hottest experiences of my life [MF]

Hey everyone! I always lurk on here and love reading stories but last night was the first time I feel like I contribute one of my own. Hope I do you guys proud.

I had stopped by my friends Halloween party at their apartment and was getting increasingly drunk and socializing with any new person I met. I really clicked with a woman who looked a little older than me but I held off from being too flirty because I assumed the man she came with was her boyfriend. I couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to feel her body against mine though, as her slutty witch costume hugged all her (many) curves in the right places. Finally, I threw caution to the wind and invited her to go see the view on the roof and to my surprise she looked me dead in the eye and laughed.

“We both know what’s going to happen if we both head up that roof”

I was completely surprised!, I asked her about her friend she came with, who turned out to only be her coworker she’s known for years. I couldn’t believe how forward she was, but the icing on the cake was when she leaned in and whispered in my ear