I (21[F]) have been getting railed by my brother in law (30[M]) for the last year, and now I’m his live-in cum slut. PART 2 – I go away with my brother in law on a romantic getaway intended for my sister

[part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/imazm6/i_21f_have_been_getting_railed_by_my_brother_law/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)
[part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/iokx5q/i_21f_have_been_getting_railed_by_my_brother_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

Hugh and I had been enjoying my live-in arrangement for a few months.
So far there had been no close calls and we had been enjoying alone time while my sister was at work most days, and also some nights while she was asleep.

Despite my sister being none the wiser. Her general mood was getting worse and worse so it didn’t surprise me when after one of our lunchtime sessions, Hugh told me he planned to surprise my sister with a Stay-Cation at the nearby hotel for her 30th birthday. He hoped it would cheer her up a bit. I agreed to watch their son for the weekend but knowing my sister I knew she would find a way to be ungrateful for the gift.

I (21[F]) have been getting railed by my brother in law (30[M]) for the last year, and now I’m his live-in cum slut. PART 2 – our first night time visit

If you haven’t read part 1, the story of how Hugh and I started our arrangement you can find it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/imazm6/i_21f_have_been_getting_railed_by_my_brother_law/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

Hugh and I had been enjoying our little Thursday night arrangement for a few months and my sister was none the wiser. I would arrive each week, bright eyed, and giddy with excitement and leave thoroughly exhausted, well spent and cum drunk.

However, the dynamic had recently changed with me moving in to be their live in nanny. On one hand Hugh and I now got to spend a lot more time together, but my sister was also around a lot more of the time and Thursday night yoga was now cancelled due to COVID. With the whole world shutting down, my sister would only ever leave the house to work, but that’s when Hugh would need to work from home. To make matters even more difficult, their son was awake for most of the day, only taking 1-2 restless naps a day, and needing constant attention at all other times because he was teething. This left us with little time to be with each other, but an abundance of time to sexually frustrate each other with our proximity. It had been three weeks and we’d barely had the opportunity to even brush past each other let alone fuck until we collapsed like both of us so wanted to do.

I (21[F]) have been getting railed by my brother law (30[M]) for the last year, and now I’m his live-in cum slut. This is the story of how it started.

I’ve never had a good relationship with my older sister. We are 8 years apart so she never really wanted to play with me as a kid because I was too young (but more likely too independent) to play along with her little games the way she wanted to play them. She moved away from our home town when I was only 10 and I had barely anything to do with her from then onwards. It was only 3 years ago when she met a guy and moved back to our hometown that she re-entered my life. This time with an absolute snack of a boyfriend who soon became her husband and now the father of her child.

While I’ve never gotten along with my sister, as she’s a bossy, overly serious, self-absorbed person, my brother in law Hugh is a funny, charismatic, and easy going guy, and we have always got along like a house on fire from the day we first met.