[28M/28F] Hooking up with the Red Headed Nerd turned Hottie from High School

I went to High School with a girl named Molly. Molly was a very nice and sweet girl but she suffered from social awkwardness which is the equivalent of a curse or plague in High school. Molly was a bit shorter than me standing at about 5’5” and she was a curvy girl. She had dark red hair which she always kept long and went great with her beautiful blue green eyes. I will say she did have amazingly huge breasts all through high school. Looking back I wished I had been better friends with her in high school because she is one of those people who is just good all the way to their core.

Just before our 10 year high school reunion I connected with Molly on Facebook and we caught each other up on our busy lives in the 10 years since we last saw each other. We ended up messaging and then texting each other quite a bit and became really close friends. She was still just as sweet and caring of a person as she was in high school but she seemed more open and confident socially which was great to find out. We were both single at the time and we got to be very open with each other for example I found out she had only been with one guy and didn’t do very much. Somewhere along the way an attraction began to grow between us.

In the aftermath of David i hook up with Karen [M/F]

After my bi adventures with David and our falling out i end up with his ex Gf

Part 1 with David

Part 2 with David

Part 3 with David

After our last passionate hookup which was one of the best sexual encounters of my life David started dating Karen shortly after high school ended. Karen was a short petite girl about 5’4” and maybe 100lbs with amazing red hair and blue eyes and a year younger than David and I. She had tiny a cup boobs and a nice firm ass. David and I were still buddies and we would still hang out and game together.

David and Karen ended up moving into an apartment together and since I was there big muscular friend in the army reserve at the time they asked me to help them move. They didn`t have much so it wasn’t hard to get them all moved with me doing all the heavy lifting. Little did I know at the time but Karen became very attracted to me and my more muscular build.