[MF] I got felt up during a massage a few weeks ago, I’m thinking of going back for more.

I recently went and got a massage near my job because of herniated disc issues. A man led me to my room but I thought nothing of it once he stepped outside for me to change. Usually all my massages had been performed by women. But once he walks back in I felt uneasy after he began. I decided not to say anything because I didn’t want to make him feel bad or uncomfortable.

I was only wearing panties under my towel, so I still felt comfortable to a degree. We begin with me laying face down and he massages my shoulders and works his hands down my spine. He begins focusing on my hips and I feel his fingers grabbing my hips very very slightly. I think nothing of it at first and assume my hip tendons are tight. That was until I feel his fingers follow my hip bone all the way to my pelvis. He does this a few more times on both sides.