[FM] First time cheating…

Throwaway account and have to point out this happened a couple of years ago when I was 20(f) with a co-worker who we’ll call Joe 25(m). Now I must point out that I’m not proud of this story, but this is something that I’ve been thinking about recently. I won’t lie to you, I did enjoy it.

For context, me and Joe frequently worked close shift at a train station sandwich shop. Joe was a nice guy, unconventionally attractive, a bit of a loner, stoner just an ‘interesting’ guy with a good taste in music and someone who was fun to have a conversation with. Me, I was a recent graduate just trying to earn a bit of money before I moved out to be with my long term partner.

Now, I really want to highlight the absolute spontaneity of this event, I didn’t fancy joe.. as I say he was a nice guy who I enjoyed being with. He may have flirted occasionally, but I never really chalked it down to more than friendly banter.