Tensions at work [MF] [Workplace] [Sexual Tension] [Part 2]

[Part 1 here](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/k7flyt/tensions_at_work_mf_workplace_sexual_tension_part/)

He’d implored me to forget about the kiss but I knew I wouldn’t forget. I doubted he would too. At the very least, there was an agreement that we’d pretend it hadn’t happened. He continued to be out of the office for the next few days which made it somewhat easier to ignore but once Monday came around, I was sure my facade would falter.

My imagination had wreaked havoc on me since our date. I’d had explicit fantasies about him, I’d been mad at him, I’d been embarrassed about my behavior, I’d craved seeing him again, and dreaded it all at the same time. Logically, I knew stopping had been the sensible thing to do but I hated it.

It was his turn to avoid me though. He kept to his office and ditched meetings where we would have normally interacted. We had no reason to talk now that the proposal was submitted and it was a harsh contrast from seeing him every minute of every day to nothing.

Finally, we crossed paths on Thursday in a meeting where he joked about how Business Development people were only good for fluffing the egos of our customers. It seemed we were back to business as usual except now marred by my insatiable fantasies.

Tensions at work [MF] [Workplace] [Sexual Tension] [Part 1]

I’d been working in my new job for three months when I first started to notice it. The head of the R&D technology department really had it out for the finance and business operations staff. He’d come to our joint strategy meetings and always had snide remarks for us “businessey” types. It was small, but constant. “Oh, good idea, where’d you come up with that one, the golf course?” followed by self-indulgent chuckles. “If you put as much effort into your appearances as you do into strategy we might not be in this position” followed by lascivious looks. It was surprising coming from him, he didn’t have a mean look about him, and he was clever about it too. He made the comments when no one in his chain of command was around and said it light heartedly enough you’d never be able to build a case against him for harassment. Not only was I always one of the only girls in the room for top level strategy meetings at our R&D company but I was also one of the youngest at just 28. I’d moved up quickly in my prior company and when I took this job I got another promotion with it. Perhaps I’d moved up the corporate latter too quickly. I certainly didn’t feel like I deserved to be one of the decision makers.

Tensions at work [MF] [Workplace] [Sexual Tension] [Part 2]

[Part 1 Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/k7dzla/tensions_at_work_mf_workplace_part_1/)

Six months after we’d delivered the proposal, we got word they would make the award announcement in person. They asked each company to send 3 representatives to DC. Obviously, he was going. The CEO of the company was going, and my boss, the director of business development was selected to be the third. I was a little more than disappointed and expressed that to my boss during one of my meetings. Maybe it was a little bratty of me, but I whined about how I’d put in all the effort and that it should be me that goes, not the CEO.

As fate would have it, with two days to go before the trip, the CEO had to back out for whatever reason and my boss volunteered me to take her place. I was so shocked and excited.

I eagerly booked my flights and took over her hotel reservation. It was also going to be the first time since the “date” that me and the other director would be together again for any amount of time and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that yet.

Tensions at work [MF] [Workplace] [Part 1]

I’d been working in my new job for three months when I first started to notice it. The head of the R&D technology department really had it out for the finance and business operations staff. He’d come to our joint strategy meetings and always had snide remarks for us “businessey” types. It was small, but constant. “Oh, good idea, where’d you come up with that one, the golf course?” followed by self-indulgent chuckles. “If you put as much effort into your appearances as you do into strategy we might not be in this position” followed by lascivious looks. It was surprising coming from him, he didn’t have a mean look about him, and he was clever about it too. He made the comments when no one in his chain of command was around and said it light heartedly enough you’d never be able to build a case against him for harassment. Not only was I always one of the only girls in the room for top level strategy meetings at our R&D company but I was also one of the youngest at just 28. I’d moved up quickly in my prior company and when I took this job I got another promotion with it. Perhaps I’d moved up the corporate latter too quickly. I certainly didn’t feel like I deserved to be one of the decision makers.

Netflix and Chill [MF]

I’d [F] just lost my virginity to my college boyfriend about a week and half prior to this and I’d become insatiable. We were fucking like rabbits every chance we got. It was primal and uncoordinated for the most part. My boyfriend was a rock climber and we’d met taking some free swing dance lessons on campus. So there was a lot more potential there.

Anyway, one lazy Saturday afternoon we were spooning on his couch watching movies on his laptop. We’d been up late the night before and had slept in until noon so I was still wearing my “pajamas” which was one of his oversized T-shirts and panties. He was wearing cotton pajama pants and no shirt. We’d exhausted ourselves the night before so the movie watching started innocently enough.

The couch was narrow and I kept feeling like I would fall off so I kept scooting back, squirming my ass into his crotch. I didn’t mean for it to arouse us but of course it did. I could feel him start to get hard which just encouraged me more. Finally he put his hand on my hips to hold me still and keep me on the couch. I didn’t feel him pull his cock out of his pants but at some point he did and started rubbing the tip between my legs. He slid his hand down the front of my panties and started fingering me but was met with an already swollen and wet pussy.