Resume Building (MF)

Another long one at the office. They just keep throwing these projects at our department, of course, while demonstrating no regard whatsoever for the fact that time is a finite thing. It pays well, which somehow is just enough to keep us here despite the fact that the other branches clearly have no respect for the level of expertise we have in our fields. Resume building is hard work.

He comes in from his office and closes the door; despite the late hour, you never know when there's a perked ear waiting for dirt, and we do enjoy commiserating over the ineptitude of our coworkers. I embrace the chance for a moment to clear my head. Well, perhaps 'clearing my head' wouldn't be an appropriate term, as the sight of him doesn't exactly wipe my mind's eye …clean. But he's certainly a welcome distraction. The comfortable clothing he wears allows the physicality required for his work, and it drapes off of the lines of his body, suggesting lithe musculature. I find it difficult to not hold his gaze longer than appropriate.