My step sister [F] fulfilled one of my [M] biggest fantasy’s. Part 10: Closure

Part 1 if you missed it : [](

The time has finally come for me to write this chapter in my life and it seems like my story has finally come to a conclusion. It has been a roller coaster of emotions rediscovering this journey and i very much enjoyed putting it out into the world while finding a nack for writing in the process. I am extremely surprised at how many of you readers took a major interest and invested so much into my story and i’d like to thank everyone for sticking around this long. The views and up votes decreased gradually which is understandable due to some of the passages not having much nsfw content in it considering the sub i was posting in but i appreciate those greatly who were patient and stuck with me and faithfully read every chapter regardless of what happened in it. I received a ton of messages in regards to how i should play out my next encounter with my sister, some were very sexually driven, some were negative, some were positive, but majority of them were brutally honest and very blunt towards me and to the point and it made me to take a deep look inside myself and do some soul searching as to what i actually was doing with my sister and just what exactly was going on in my head. To everyone that messaged me i thank you and i took every word you guys wrote to me in consideration and i feel like this experience on this sub really helped me grow and heal and better myself. Enjoy the final chapter everyone, some of you will love it, some will hate it, but you cant deny its been a hell of a ride getting here.

My step sister [F] fulfilled one of my [M] biggest fantasy’s. Part 9: Fucked

I quickly gathered up my clothing off the floor as my brain sped through every consequence of my actions once again and i couldn’t believe i let myself get so caught up in arguing with my sister that i basically ruined all my efforts at keeping this quiet and now this would for sure be getting out. I quickly get myself dressed and clear the room of all the Kleenex and do a quick scan to see if there might have been any of my cum still visible on her bed. I have always had this ocd when it comes to doors and shutting them behind me and locking them if it permits no matter where i may be and it was due to that thoroughness for privacy and security that i had unknowingly saved our asses that day. I remembered when i entered her apartment earlier i was the one that closed the door and when i did i also attached the security chain leaving him still in the hallway locked out and unable to get in. I quickly pack my camera back into my bag and tidy up the bed so it looked like it was made and was not used at all that day. He begins to ring the door bell now as he begins to pound away on the door. I make my exit out of her room and make a mad dash for her couch in the living room. My sisters face was drained of any color and was visibly shaken and looked almost ready to burst out into tears. She finally goes to the door and unlocks the chain.

My step sister [F] fulfilled one of my [M] biggest fantasy’s. Part 8: Another Shoot

Once again my apologies for the delay, RDR2 and Pokemon ate up every free hour i had this week :/ But here it is the long awaited part 8. I was sort of putting off this chapter and considering condensing my story to the point where i could comfortably end the story of my experience part 8 but due to a number of kind messages i decided to continue writing it as i have done the others and finish the story at a pace that as already been set and makes sense of the story. I re-wrote this a few times as i just wasn’t super thrilled with how it turned out and it needed a drastic change. There have been some new recent developments with my sister that needed to be added and reworked into my future chapters and i have never been happier to do so and am happy i get to continue my story further as it was basically wrapping up in this chapter and concluding in chapter 9. I cant really give anything away yet or want to spoil the surprise but what im talking about will be made apparent in the next chapter and this event will possibility be happening around Christmas and it is something that you readers will be experiencing with me in real time as my story basically will be catching up to me at the end of part 9 and hopefully reaching a new level depending on what happens next with my sister in a chapter 10 i very much want to write. I have been really pleased to share this 3 year journey with you guys through my writings and it feels very much coincidental like fate that i started writing this and that you readers might be here to maybe wrap it up me in current time and share what i have been hoping for to happen. Anyway here is part 8 and thanks for the continued support.

My step sister [F] fulfilled one of my [M] biggest fantasy’s. Part 7: Good to see ya

Sorry for the massive delay in posting this chapter. I’ve just found it was extremely difficult to begin as it almost seemed useless to post considering the amount of messages in my inbox i received from readers expressing their disappointment in the last chapter as it had nothing NSFW in it and that it didn’t belong on the sub anymore. A lot have suggested i move it to another sub but i plan on continuing it here where it all started as my story will be wrapping up soon so no point in giving it a new home, Also to the few who showed me a lot of support on the last chapter and have got their fix of the naughty bits and just want to see how things turn out for us i made a promise to finish it for you guys and i intend on doing that. For those that have stuck it through i thank you very much and i hope you enjoy the next installment of my story but just a fair warning regarding this chapter. There is nothing extremely NSFW or to raunchy in this chapter and is much more story based but please be patient as i will have another naughty chapter for you readers in the future but if your looking for something to quench those desires right now may i suggest you head back to my [first chapter]( and relive all the good times before this turned into a tangled web of emotions for me and my sister. Once again i hope you enjoy this chapter and i will begin work on part 8 shortly at the end of the week.

My step sister [F] fulfilled one of my [M] biggest fantasy’s. Part 6: What have we done

Thanks again for all the messages and comments i really enjoyed reading how other people would have reacted in my scenario. I honestly felt like just stopping the story at the end of part five. Reliving all the wild moments with my sister was great and brought back those hot memories and was something i always focused on more than the negatives that will follow in this part. Writing this really just put me back in that position of feeling such tremendous guilt and feeling like i ruined a lot in my life and was honestly just tough to write. I wanted to ask the readers again with some help with a few questions. Why did i do what i did and was it normal? Did i go to far and act maliciously or was it harmless fun? Did i really do my girlfriend wrong or was this something i needed to get out of my system? Would love to hear thoughts on those but anyways please enjoy and thanks for the continued support.

My step sister [F] fulfilled one of my [M] biggest fantasy’s. Part 5: The Shower

The response to the last chapter has been overwhelming so i have decided that i would see my story through to the end. I am glad that i could finally give you readers what was quite possibly my favorite part of my story for obvious reasons and im happy everyone was satisfied with the result i achieved with my sister. Im pleased the comparison pictures worked out well and achieved the goal of giving you an idea of what her body looked like, i am no longer getting my inbox blown up with people wanting pics of my sister so that’s a bonus haha. I would like to ask a question to you readers..If you were put in my shoes would you do the exact same thing i did? If so would you have done anything differently in the situation? I love reading everyone’s messages so feel free to reach out to me or leave a comment i would really like to hear everyone’s answers or story’s in general similar to mine. Enjoy part 5 everybody.

My step sister [F] fulfilled one of my [M] biggest fantasy’s. Part 4 : Sweet Release

I am really glad everyone enjoyed part 3 and hope it was worth the wait. I got some heat for the constant cliffhangers but i felt it put you in my shoes in the aspect of just wanting something so bad but having to wait for it and i personally felt like it fits the overall narrative and theme of my story. After searching the web for hours i finally came across some pictures that look like a dead ringer to my sister with very few small differences. I hope they give you readers a good sense of what she looks like and quenches some of those mental images that you may have been imagining while reading my story.

My sisters tits are practically identical to the ones pictured in the links. When scrolling through images on various platforms i honestly jumped and my heart started racing when i seen this girl. I felt like that was actually my sister that i stumbled upon randomly. Exact same size of breast, skin tone matches, nipples identical, hair is the same color and length. Her body is a little more slender as opposed to the one in the photos, i would say my sister is around 100 pounds soaking wet which garnered her the nickname tits on a stick back in high school. Only thing my sister didn’t match with was the tattoos as she has none.

My step sister [F] fulfilled one of my [M] biggest fantasy’s. Part 3: The Shoot.

Thanks again for all the support and kind messages and tips in my messages. I’ve noticed a lot of messages regarding the pictures themselves and after much consideration its best i don’t share them for obvious reasons. I entertained the idea just by the amount of requests i received and how people genuinely wanted to see them to enhance their experience reading this. I made a promise to her regarding them and it would not feel right breaking it, it was a poor lapse of judgment on my part to even ponder it and am sorry if i got anyone’s hopes up. I did read a few suggestions in terms of how to fix this issue and thought they were really smart. I’m curious what would work best for the readers here, should i find a picture online of someone who has the closest body type to hers and post that almost as a visual placeholder? Should i crop and heavily edit one of her modeling pictures from Instagram since she gave her blessing for it to be public? Did me adding that template picture add anything to the story? Let me know in the comments and i’ll try my best to accommodate. Anyway here is the long awaited part 3 enjoy :)

My step sister [F] fulfilled one of my [M] biggest fantasy’s. Part 2 : Of Course

Thanks everybody so much for all the love on my first chapter i honestly did not expect it for my first crack at writing my feelings and experiences. I decided to rush this one out a bit due to the high demand but i still feel like it came out better than what i thought it would be and I’d say is almost on par with part 1 and my apologies for the length. I will be taking a few days to write part 3 since it is going to be one of the wildest/longest chapters and id like it to be as fleshed out as i can make it so bare with me. I may have misjudged just how long it would take to tell my story so its probably going to be pushing 6 parts maybe so i hope everyone enjoys and sticks along with me while i continue this.

My step sister [F] fulfilled one of my [M] biggest fantasy’s. Part 1: The First Deal

Forgive me for any formatting issues or poor sentencing structures as i have never wrote something like this before on reddit so any feedback is much welcomed. For some incite this is just something I have always wanted to share personally and get off my chest and was always curious if anyone reading this has had a similar situation to mine. My Apologies for the length of the post, I felt I needed to give as much background info and detail as I could to do my experience justice. I have split this into a few parts ill be looking to upload soon.

Me and my step sister were always extremely close growing up together and always shared a special connection. There was always a bit of sexual tension between us but nothing ever happened considering both of us were extremely shy. The most that ever happened between us is that we kissed each other a few times as a joke but other than that nothing to wild. As time went on we grew apart and she moved to a new town quite far from me. I would try my best to visit from time to time but we had a difficult time staying in touch after her move. On the rare occasions we would get together we would usually have some drinks and catch up. We both were in serious committed relationships at this point so it never crossed my mind anything would ever happen between us two.