Day at a friend’s house turns sexy [FM]

If you want sex, go somewhere else. Also, I’m British, so pants = underwear, trousers = pants. Just. Yeah.

So, around February time this year, I met up with my friends at one of their houses for the day. One of the friends, let’s call them Will, had come down from up north for the a week or so to see the friends they’d left behind, and the select few which included my boyfriend and I, hung out at another friend’s house… We’ll call her Jo. Will’s boyfriend, he’ll be called Nick, lived down here, so they were all over each other all day, savouring every moment they had before Will had to go back the next day. My boyfriend, Owen (also not real name) and I hadn’t had any private time together for a week, and we were stressed about exams, so I guess we were hoping for some time alone together during that last day to let off some steam. I mean, the day before, we fondled in Jo’s closet, which signalled to me that we were horny, and things were soon going to get heated.