[MF] (Xpost from SluttyConfessions) Spying on my neighbour UPDATE

First post:

[24M] Spying on my (F) neighbour – advice from SluttyConfessions

Thanks for the feedback and advice I got on my last post; I just thought I’d share an update on what happened!

The short version of the last story is that I have an attractive neighbour in the apartment next to mine. Our windows face each other, and neither of us like to close our curtains at night. This has meant that I’ve seen her undressing a few times, and I’d wondered if she’d noticed me noticing.

About a day after I posted the last message, in the late afternoon, I was doing work at my desk (conveniently in front of the window), and I noticed my neighbour and a friend go into her room. I make eye contact with the neighbour, and a moment later I hear them giggling from across the alleyway. I try to focus on my work for a few minutes, but I hear more giggling a minute later. I glance up from my computer, and see a sign stuck up on the window. It says: “Hey, I’m Sofie*”. I stare at this for a solid minute, and see my neighbour lift her head above the level of the wall, and quickly duck down again when she sees me looking. My heart starts racing. I quickly scribble down a note on some paper, search around for some bluetac, and stick a sign up in my window introducing myself. I wait, and after what feels like the longest time, I see that the sign has been changed. The new one reads “It’d be cool to get to know my neighbour. Text me on [number]”.

Breaking all of the rules [MF] – [long, virginity]

Hey all, thanks so much for reading this story; this is my first time writing. This all happened a few years ago, and I’ve tweaked some of the details for anonymity.

Sex at the ***


It started at the tournament. A nerd tournament that is – a debating tournament for high schoolers. I’d been involved in debating throughout University, and this year; nearing the end of my law degree, would be the last one I helped out at. Since I’d started Uni I’d been volunteering to help run these tournaments. Adjudicating the debate, booking the venues, and getting the awards sorted. And up till now I’d always been in a relationship. In my first year I’d been flirted with at the tournament by a senior student, but I’d done my best to diffuse the situation. But now, it was my final year, and I was single. I wasn’t seeking out to break the rules. But I wasn’t watching myself either.

Of course, it went against basically every rule in the book to become involved with the students. People had been kicked out in the past for such an offence, and I certainly wasn’t looking to tarnish my reputation. Plus, the half your age plus seven rule and all that.