Patience pays off (m/f)

I met B through school. She was three years younger than me, but we became friends fast. B was white and had long blonde hair, an incredible ass, the type you see in music videos, huge breasts, and beautiful blue eyes. I fell in love with her, but I was crushed, convinced she'd never see me as more than a friend. Over the course of time however, some sexual tension built between us. One night, we shared some dirty poetry we'd written in the past, and it became clear there might be some attraction from her end as well. At this point, I'd had a crush on her for over a year.

One night, B and I decided to hang out at the park by my house. We hung out there often, going to stargaze and chat late into the evening. B brought some of her benzodiazepines with her and offered some for me to try. I took two Ativan, and she took a few as well, and we laid down and talked in the grass.