We had an amazing past week of hooking up with one other couple. We had been chatting with this couple who I will call M (husband) and L (wife) for a while now but hadn’t been able to get together due to conflicting schedules.
We finally got together on Wednesday at a Jazz bar which turned out to not be the best location for a first date as we could barely hear each other. My wife is quite tall (5’10”) and loves to wear heels too, though she didn’t for this date because she knew they were a shorter couple and wanted them to feel comfortable. We chose the jazz bar because my wife loves getting dressed up and it was a nice break from the casual-nice we dress for when meeting at breweries. They showed up both dressed to the 9’s in all black and I knew before my greeting hug was over with the wife that I wanted to sleep with her.
We had to lean in towards each other to talk which made some really intimate conversation between the L and I at the table, where our hands ended up rubbing each other’s legs. We both talked later that we were ab it concerned if it was all going to work out between my wife and M because they didn’t have the initial spark that L and I had. I love that anticipation of the date. Not knowing if anything was going to happen, while also feeling the chemistry with the other partner, fills me with electricity.