Vacation Experience [M/F]

Well this isn't nearly as exciting as some of the stories I read here but I can promise that this one is 100% true.

My family always goes on vacation upstate to one of the great lakes. This is usually during mid-summer, about a week long, and has always been a chance to catch-up with family; mostly our out-of-state-cousins. We don't get to see them often, and for this reason, we usually only spend time with them and generally ignore any non-family.

Well a few summers ago this was not the case. Schedules didn't match and they couldn't come up at the same time as us. There is not much to do up there and to pass time I started to make friends with some of the other vacationers.

Unfortunately at the time of this story I am 22. I say "unfortunately" because I there is literally nobody else there in their early 20's, so there were not a lot of potential friends to be made.