Sweaty tight pussy

I'm bored and horny. So I made a throwaway and I'm going to share what I often recall in these situations.

10 years ago I was in first year of University. High school had finished. A girl (for the purposes of this, Rebecca) had come up to me at a party one night, placed a grape into my mouth, looked me directly in the eyes and said "if you don't stop being so sexy, I might have to do something about it" before kissing the grape back out if my mouth.

Until this point, I had had no idea Rebecca thought I was attractive. I had a bit if a reputation in high school as being a ladies man. I'm also lucky enough to be very well hung, and in the later years of high school, word had gotten round, so it wasn't exactly a secret. I found out only a year or two ago that girls used to refer to me as the 'rib splitter'. Rebecca and I had been in a few classes together over the years, and had always been friendly. She had dated a friend if mine at one point. I was taken aback when she kissed a grape out of my mouth.