[MF] How President Trump made my (27M) sex life great again

I’m a 27-year old conservative male, living in a very liberal city, and President Trump was the best thing that’s happened to my sex life.

Some background: In college, I was an athlete and in a frat, and getting laid was easy. I briefly had a gf sophomore year, but before and after that was just a series of hookups (we sometimes have competitions to see who could get the most number of girls in one week).

When I graduated, I got a job in finance, and moved to a large very liberal city. I was on dating apps, and would still get regular dates and sex (I’m muscular and good-looking and have shirtless pics on my bio), but the pace was slower. I was getting laid once or maybe twice a week, or, in a slow point, once every couple weeks.

Then the 2016 campaign happened. I’m a lifelong conservative, and of course I supported Trump. I put “MAGA “ in my bio. I’ve never been embarrassed about my views, and I love winning debates.