She Doesn’t Understand- A casual story about a quiet moment.

She (F) Doesn’t Understand (M) – A casual story about a quiet moment.

Some miracle occurred that made my gf (F) of 4 years, which once required multiple daily workouts (and intimate encounters) prior to a significant death in the family, want to take our dogs for a walk this afternoon. A small trail astride a creek settled between two neighborhoods, we were far from the wilderness but unburdened by heavy traffic or prying eyes. About half way along I (M) started joking about making out along the edge of a thick brush and prompted only a smirk and a chuckle from her beautiful, full lips. We carried on, chatting about how the trail had changed since her youth, how she once hurt her ankle on a patch of downed acorns, how she used to call her best friend and let them know she’d be out on a run…now she had me…and now she didn’t run.

We were never unhappy. The tears I elicited were of joy and grief only. My utter faithfulness was of no discontent to her and her fidelity remained unquestioned……..but unneeded.