I’m very sorry I left you all hanging for so long. I always scoffed at other r/gonewildstories submissions that cut off half way, but writing is time consuming work as it turns out. Anyway if you’re not caught up part one can be found here:
[Part 1 right here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/c1jezb/the_time_my_fwbex_convinced_her_friend_that_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app)
Before we jump back in let me lay out some quick background about the three of us. I had recently fallen out from the church/diet-cult we were a part of and had been taking advantage of the new invention of tinder (yes that was not my first play through of DA2) so I had gotten a little bit of sexual experience under my belt. That does not mean much however, I’d lost my V-card in my mid twenties less than 4 months before this story takes place. To my knowledge Kaity and Anders we’re still members of the church, and even though Anders and I had spent countless hours of carnal debauchery together, she was still technically a virgin(something she was very upset about, but due to our complicated relationship I felt guilty relieving her of). Kaity I was less sure about, but the last few minutes of her throat and tongue on my manhood had opened my eyes to the fact that her youth pastor may not have convinced her on the whole abstinence argument.