**(There’s quite a bit of backstory to this one, so if you’re just here for the climax, skip to the dashes. I’ve also included time stamps to help you keep track of the timeline as you read.)**
**Edit: I’m [M] 21 and Mari [F] is 22.**
*Fall 2018*
I first met Mari in the Fall of 2018. We went to the same college, had the same major (film), and even had some of the same friends. But, our paths never crossed until that one September evening.
We went to a small school, so our film program was less than stellar. But, nearly all the professors were adamant about providing resources outside of class to help us grow as filmmakers. One of the younger members of the staff, Professor Williams, suggested that we start a Movie Club. He had a huge collection of BluRays and offered to show one every week in the school’s auditorium. Naturally, I jumped at the opportunity to help him get the club up and running. After a few meetings, the club started to gain a little more traction and more people started showing up. One of those people was Mari.