[M]aybe that wasn’t I [F]igured my night would go

Long time lurker, first time poster, bare with my I was pretty drunk so some of the details are a little murky at this point since it just happened in the wee hours of the morning. The hero of the story, myself, is a 6’4″ bearded man weighing in at about 300lbs with what I would say is a fairly respectable 7-ish” penis. The woman in question is a 5′ tall girl of what appeared to be Indian descent and probably couldn’t have been more than 110lbs. At the —— line is where things start to get pretty dirty if you guys don’t want backstory

A friend of mine, we will call her Stacy (Not sure if her mom has got it going on, I’ve never met her), invited me to come over last night. We have been friends for quite a while and she sometimes had me come over to cuddle when she was feeling down. Now we have never had sex with each other but had fooled around a little bit in the past so I assumed it might be a booty call.